Cat Summons

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Chapter 29: Cat Summons

"This has to be a joke," I muttered. Jiraiya seemed to be asking the impossible of me. He had taught me the summon jutsu and voiced his approval at my technique. Then he helped me to write a summoning contract, which I signed. Now I just had to summon a cat... except there were no cats bound by the contract.

Apparently, summoning animals had their own contract that they signed, which interacted with the summoner's contract. Usually, the lead summons kept the contract and allowed other potential summons sign as well. So, I just had to get a single ninja cat to create a contract with me.

It would have been easier if I were able to seek out a ninja cat. I knew where a lot of them lived due to a previous mission with my team. However, I was bound to stay with Naruto and Jiraiya and so had to do things the hard way. Jiraiya insisted that, if I focused hard enough, I could attract the attention of a cat who may or may not decide to allow itself to be summoned.

"He's just trying to keep my occupied." He only invited me along because he felt sorry for me. He didn't really expect me to learn this. Maybe I could ask Kakashi for help once he was feeling better. He had to have created his own summons with his dogs. Even with that in mind, I did not have anything better to do, so I kept at it.

"What are you doing?" said a feminine voice just before the sun began to set.

"I'm trying to summon a ninja cat," I said without looking at the person. I tried the jutsu once more but still had no luck.

"What a coincidence! I am a ninja cat."

I spun around in surprise. There, on the lowest branch of a tree, sat a beautiful calico cat. She was a bit larger than a normal house cat and wore a white kimono with yellow trim and a headband with the kanji for 'truth.' How had she found me? Was it just a coincidence?

The cat smiled. "I am Kiku. What is your name?"

"Katsumi Nishioko."

"Well, Katsumi..." The cat stretched on the branch before leaping gracefully to the ground. " can I help you?"

"Will you make a contract with me?" I did not know the etiquette of forming summoning relationships, but the direct approach seemed easiest. I hoped I had not offended her. The only advice Jiraiya had given me was to say cats were very particular with who they associated with, and I responded by telling him that was exactly why I liked them.

Kiku cocked her head. "A summoning contract? That sounds interesting. I've always wanted to know what that was like."

I gave her a hopeful look. "So, you'll do it?"

"Now, don't get ahead of yourself. I have to make sure you're the right choice." Kiku walked all the way around me, examining me. "Why do you want to summon cats?"

"I relate a lot to cats. And I think their flexibility and natural skills with taijutsu compliments my own battle style."

"And why do you fight?" The cat stopped before my feet and looked up at me with keen eyes.

I stared at her. Was this a trick question? "I fight because I have to."

Kiku flicked her tail. "That's not good enough."

Of course it wasn't. That answer wouldn't convince me either. "I also fight for my friends. To protect them. And... I fight for truth. To prove to others what's true and right."

Kiku stood and smiled at me. "Now, that's better."

"So, you'll make a contract with me?"

"I will... if you can beat me in battle!" She suddenly stood on two legs and flexed her claws.

Vision of Truth I: Cat and Fox (Naruto)Where stories live. Discover now