Chapter 35

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Carol was holding her daughter closely

Carol danver was looking as she saw how New York was leaving her eyes

And looking at the ring it was beautiful

Peter gave it to her Peter truly loved her and Erika loves her she stopped the part where Erika hates her but now Erika might grow up fatherless

Carol:Stop the car!

The car stopped and Carol and may got out


Carol:We can't go we can't leave him

The avengers jet and the blackbird landed

Captain America:Carol we need to go

Carol:Shut up just shut up....I can't leave him

Iron man:You heard him he want you to be safe and think about your kid

Carol:My daughter needs her father

May:Carol easy

Carol:We can't let him go like that we have to try to save him

Captain America:We can't they could kill him ot worse

Erika was looking from the car confused what was happening and where was dad

Wolverine:Carol think now and carefully

Carol:He was there for you x men he made it safe he helped raise the students while raising his own and Susan he helped with your kids and helped Reed become a better father....when he spend hours in the lab

Everyone stood quite


Spider women:Peter is giving us a chance

Carol:We need to take it to save him....don't you want him around to be with Gerry as well...just like you been asking

Wolverine:*sigh*we want to but we don't know they have weapons and bombs they know our weakness


Miles:Peter just went in an just hopped for the best

Carol:Then I'll go alone cause my daughter will not go fatherless...and you wanna stop me go ahead

With spider man

Peter:*gasp*You won't win

Red skull:Look at then I already won*putting in skin again*and they will follow me as I do what needs to be done


Red skull:Show the world the face of spider man

Peter stomach feel

With Carol

Carol was at the avengers tower she looked around for some anything but saw parts from her husbands creation

Carol couldn't believe it the only person who believed in her and loved her was gone

The hearing voices

Militia were taking part of peters tank

Then Carol grabbed some and tossed in the air

The punched one in the ground

Carol grabbed a tire from the thanks and snap smashed it on the militia head


Militia:Dead All gone

Carol put pressure

Militia:Wait wait what are you doing......gahh ahhh


Militia:Washington...the White House....the president wants to see him in person

Carol placed more pressure

Militia:Please no!!!!!gahhhhhh

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Militia:Please no!!!!!gahhhhhh


Militia:He want to take his mask off to show the world he is just a man that can be killed...That's all I know I swear!!!

Carol tossed the tire off and punched his face

Everyone behind Carol.....Mouth drop and are scared

With spider man

Spider man was getting strapped in and war machine observed him

Spider man:Rhodes that is not the president

War machine:Shut your mouth

Spider man:focus think why have the army

War machine:To stop some heroes who are nothing but bad

Spider man:your one of them

War machine:I'm a soldier

Spider man:Rhodes....I'm sorry....but your making a mistake

War machine:Maybe this should happen to let the world know we can take over anything

Spider gonna take a child's father away don't do this

War machine:Tell me now is that carol's daughter what if that isn't even hers

Spider man:This is why i never told any of you what would you say that Carol child and that child is a danger with you

War machine:How long

Spider man:She's just 3 years old Rhodes

War machine:I'm sorry

Spider man:Then do me a favor

War machine:What

Spider man:Look after her....she doesn't deserve this

War machine froze and could not believe what was said

Then the president came in and the militia took him

President:It's time

The president walked to his office filled with cameras

The president whispered in his ear

President:I don't care who you are but they will

Then the cameras began recording

President:My fellow American we have done it and  now we will save our nation but we need to stable there still humans

With Mj

Mj parked the war carrying Erika may weak she misses Peter

Erika:Dad?*looking up the stars

Mj:Shh it's ok

May was carrying Gerry

May;Inside now


Erika was still in Mj arms

Mj:oh baby let me tell you story about the greatest hero all time

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