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(Meaning fear of Thunder and lightning ⛈)

Lucy. *running through the hall ways getting to her bedroom cause Thunder and lighting are happening right now* gotta *sniffs* gotta get to my room *still crying on her way and past by emma*

Emma. Whoa lucy what happened

Van. Lucy *huffing and puffing* man she's fast

Emma. Van what happened

Van. Lucy went nuts on the battlefield so much so a Thunderstorm is happening right now as soon as she unleashed her eyepatch and begins to reck havoc

Emma. So thats why she had an eyepatch it holds her power back but when released it led to devastating effects

Van. Yeah i know right

Announcer. Attention all students head to your bed room immediately a Thunderstorm is happening right now all schedule battles have been cancelled due to rain but also the arena is destroyed but do not worried the students who were there are safe and are in the medical care but there is a likely chance of a blackout happening so grab the academy lanterns for light if the power goes out, stay safe.

Van. I need to see lucy if she's OK *heads off to the bed room*

*Burton and others arrived at the medical care*

Berecca. *with a cast on her left arm and laying down* you guys came

Kappei. We heard what happened are you OK

Ron. Yeah what the heck happened out there

Burton. Is Van alright please tell us if van is OK

Jane. Yeah girl tell us

Berecca. Well we were battle like usual until lucy went nuts and one of the ninja students said get that crazy psychopath monster and lucy unleashed her eyepatch and begins to destroy everything

*Burton and everyone else gasp* OMG

Kappei. Is van alright is he OK!

Berecca yes he's fine but now he's gonna try and calm down Lucy

Van. *Arrives at the bedrooms* Alright me lets calm her down and help her out

Emma. *Arrives with two academy lanterns 🏮* here van for you and lucy cause there's a likely chance of a blackout

Van. Thanks you Emma *takes the two lanterns and slide open her door and sees lucy crying*

 Thanks you Emma *takes the two lanterns and slide open her door and sees lucy crying*

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Lucy. *sniffs* PLEASE van Go away im a monster I scared you

*Thunder struck the power system of the academy causing a blackout but in Lucy's bedroom her red eye and the lanterns van has glow*

Van. Lucy... look I know this is hard for you but im here im here to... protect you... to keep your lonely heart safe with me

Lucy. You... mean it van...?

Van. Yes lucy I want to protect you but... you scared me

Lucy. I'm sorry van *crying*

Van. *brings the lanterns and himself to Lucy's bed and sit next to her* lucy... I know that... this is hard for you but its also hard for me too... nevermind...

Lucy. Hard for you to Love me?

Van. Huh?

Lucy. *Pulls out vans notes for her pillow and show him her drawings* I found this in your room *flashback* as soon as you left for the pool I went to your room and I checked your bed for something and that's where I found your notes of how to win my heart *flashback done* so I took it with me and make drawings for you van

Van. Whoa lucy there so cute

Lucy. I know how much you love me *hold on to Van's left arm and lays head on his shoulder* so I decided to respect you for it too van

Van. Wow thank you lucy

Lucy. Your very welcome

*both Van and Lucy kissed lips*

Van. You maybe a monster in outside but in the inside your beautiful like the stars in the sky.

Lucy. Awwww thank you *kiss on cheek*

Van. Hehe thanks lovely Lucy

Ninjala Fan Fiction story: Van x Lucy Love Birds Where stories live. Discover now