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(this is just before her head was cut)

Amou pov-

We see a 6 year old amou standing outside off her sister's room

Me-ne~ne onii-chan will you play with me

Big sister - no amou , not right now

Me- b-but why?! you never play me , do you hate me

Big sis- Yes I do 

Me- wha-what

Big sis- I hate you with my whole heart , you are just a girl who that whore brought in

Me- What is the meaning of whore , big sis

She the slapped amou across the cheek

Big sis - your mother is a whore

Now that I rember it clearly I was never shown any love ,I was always neglected and made to do chores and what not , even the slightest of mistake would result to me being starved and beaten, my sister always used to assault me and hit me everyday , her boyfriend would always touch me in unappropriate ways and my father just hated me because I looked like my mother , I was trying to subdue it all down untill one day where I snapped

It was a family get together and it was a fun time 

We got ready and again I wore the same old dress I always wore , my hair unkempt and whatnot

As we arrived into the main hall and all the relatives stared at me with disgust 

One of my uncles went up to my father and asked who I was

My father - Our slave

No no no he just , with that I ran out of the room and out into the streets , I just wanted some love 

I kept runnign and running away till I didnt know wht to do , I ran into an alley and bumped into a man

???- hey hey hey , what do we have here , a brat 

He streched his hands out towards me while I cowered in fear

???- stop it tatsu, you are scaring the child

Another voice said

Tatsu- awwww but fujima

Fujima- no buts tatsu , lets take her to the boss 

With that they genlty picked me up and broght me to boss

Tatsu- Greetings boss , we found another distressed child

Boss- very good 

A female voice said

Boss- Put her down 

They put me down as we got off 

Boss- Y/N , HANA

I saw two kids rushing towards me 

They stopped infront of me and said

Both- will you be our friend

I smiled as tears dropped down my cheeks

Me- Yess!!

Timeskip to 4 years

I was traing with y/n and hana , he showed the most skills and all thought that he would take over

Due to this I had started to develop a sense of jelousy for him , trying to show him up everytime

This jelousy led me to betray him

When we were both 14 years old , he was chosen the vice president and hana was chosen the boss while I was told to serve under him

This was too much for me ,how could I be less than the best

Because of this I hired some goons to distract him , knowing how he fought I knew they would be no match for him but that would give me enough time to mortally wound him

So when the fight started and he was too busy fughting them , I rushed behind him and stabbed him , he turned around to see my face, I was smiling , I was really foolish bak them , for a man who did his best to support was killed by my own hands , With that I had left , unbeknowst to me that some body had come to the seen and took all of them to hospital

The next day I was kicked out of the gang , furious I went around beating up the people

I went to a cliffside where I realised what I had done and regretted every scond off it , 

So after that day I worked as hard as I could to gain his trus and forgive me, 

That's why I took the hit aimed for him ad let myself be killed

Me- Thaknyou y/n for forgiving me...............

With that I drifted off into an eternal sleep

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