Chapter Twenty-Two: Childish Antics and a Nightly Tour

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Damian's eyes narrowed at the last statement. He did not look like a traffic light, and, even if he did,he would be a very good-looking traffic light.

"I do not look like a traffic light," Damian said irritably. " Now, why are you strolling Gotham's streets at night?"

Dupain-Cheng gave him a once-over and crinkled her nose in disgust. Then, preceded to glare at him, or rather, his clothing.

"What do you think you're doing following me?" Then, childishly muttered something along the lines of 'Yes, you do.'

He could obviously hear her, so why did she say it under her breath anyway?

"I am Robin, a vigilante of Gotham. I was following you in case trouble arose," He tutted, then muttered quickly under his breath, 'No, I disagree."

She looked over his outfit once again, before looking up at him again, confused.

"That's not at all what a Robin looks like, why are you named 'Robin' if you don't look like one?" She arched an eyebrow at him. "And I can very much so take care of myself." And then, once again, harshly whispered, 'Yes, you do,'except this time adding a quick, 'I promise, you do.'

Damian glared at her.

"You fail to understand the viciousness of Gotham's villains," He said with a sigh.

"A traffic light does not consist of these specific types of shades of these color. Therefore, proving that I do not resemble a traffic light," He added with a snare.

Dupain-Cheng glared at him before sighing.

"So your just going to follow me till I get home?"She asked with a dark look.

Damian nodded.

"How do I know your not just following me so you can know where I live?" She asked, still slightly unsure of whether or not she wanted him following her.

"The idea of such a repulsive thing is idiotic," He said with a roll of his eyes. "I have no interest of knowing where you sleep."

She started to walk away, while Damian stayed where he was.

She turned around and looked at him with an arched eyebrow.

"Are you coming?" She asked."You might as walk with me, I already know you're there, so there's no point in hiding in the shadows."

Damian thought it over for a moment.

'I suppose that this reason is reasonable," He sighed before walking with her.


  About fifteen minutes later, They were still a long ways from her home. They had both fallen silent after their bickering. But the silence wasn't an awkward one, instead alight and comfortable one. Damian was surprised by this, as all the other times he had spent with Dupain-Cheng had ended in a dense and threatening one.

"It's a full moon tonight!"Dupain-Cheng said incredulously, gazing up at the sky wondrously. "It's beautiful!"

Damian looked up at the Moon and tsked, it looked like all the other full Moons he had seen before. He didn't see what was so special about it.

She frowned at him before looking back up at it.

"What has you being a Negative Nancy?" She asked, not taking her eyes off the sky. "Or is this just how you normally are?"

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