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"Maths is like a puzzle...if you can't immediately see how to get the answer, every problem can be broken down into smaller pieces, and you can then use simple sums to help you put the right answer together...see?" Caroline explained, sitting between us at the kitchen table as she tried to get us through the intricacies of multiplying fractions. She had not said anything about her latest conversation with Beth in the car, or when we got home. Not that I was worried about it, because I had not done anything wrong. If Beth had told me to do something, I had done it without hesitation or complaint, and other than making a few comments that might, in a certain light, at least, be considered sarcastic, at worst, I had been all sweetness and light, if you ignored the sulking and the angry silences, of course.

"I think so," Felicity sighed, clearly frustrated by her inability to grasp our prep.

"Olivia?" Caroline pressed, turning to me. I shrugged, because I was by no means sure, and she rolled her eyes. "Well, give it a the next three problems, and then I will have a look and make sure you are on the right track...okay?"

"Yes, Mummy." Felicity said with a dispiriting lack of confidence. We were doing our work downstairs, rather than up in the nursery, because we had both admitted to needing help. Back in my old life, I did my homework in my room, whilst listening to music, often sprawled out on my bed wearing joggers and a hoodie. I never sat at a table, wearing my full uniform, with an adult looking over my shoulder all the time.

"Can I please take off my's so hot in here?" I asked, because I knew that I had to ask for permission for such things in Caroline's world, and I was not going looking for trouble anymore. It usually found me without my assistance.

"No, are working and you wear your uniform as you would in helps you to focus." Caroline replied, standing up to let us get on with things. "And it is not hot in here...but I will open the door to let some air in."

"Summer uniform starts next week, doesn't it Mummy?" Felicity suggested, probably trying to make me feel better.

"Yes, summer dresses and blazers...and a lighter coat," Caroline confirmed, moving across the room to start getting tea ready. "And when the weather gets really nice, you two can do your homework outside on the patio, maybe?"

I rolled my eyes and tried to do my maths. Dad arrived home, and did his best to explain the problems to us, and eventually, we were done. None the wiser in my case, but still done. Then we all ate baked cod and pasta, before we were chased upstairs for our normal bath and bedtime routine. By seven-fifteen, Felicity was quite dry and all ready for bed, whilst Caroline was still finishing my hair, so my stepsister was allowed to go into the bedroom to read on her own for a few minutes. I was sitting on the loo, with the seat down, wearing a long nightie and my pink dressing gown, and Caroline was brushing out my hair. "Since you didn't have an accident last night, I am going to try you without a pull-up tonight, Olivia."

"Okay...thanks." I mumbled, instantly embarrassed at the mention of my accidents.

"It was just your meltdown, were upset and you lost a bit of control...but you are feeling a lot better now, aren't you?"

"Yes, Auntie Caroline."

"Hopefully, it won't happen again...but if it does, it will be night-time protection and a trip to the doctor, I am afraid...and I hear you spent a long time in the toilet at school this morning my darling?" She enquired, still brushing away, which meant that Beth had been blabbing. Not exactly a surprise, but annoying none the less. "Was something wrong?"

"Only to avoid Beth." I replied, sullenly. I decided to be honest, because I did not want her to think that I had any problems down there. Not with the memory of my accidents still fresh in our minds. "She was annoying me so much..."

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