learn the basics

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how to learn japanese?


1. research.-- of course kung gusto niyo talagang matuto.. learn to research about the language.Finding out more about Japan, its culture and the language itself can open many windows. Not only will you have a better understanding of Japan, you will know if Japanese is right for you or not. It's not worth learning the language if you don't like it.  if you like mangas, otakus, animes.. well it can help and also you can buy cd's about the language.

2.  plan---Learning a language is serious business. You can't simply study it on and off for a few weeks; you have to schedule time for it. For instance, if you go to school then set aside an hour every day at a time when it won't hinder your social life - or your homework. Take time to gather resources and search the web for any useful sites. (wikihow.com)

3Learn Hiragana and Katakana first, one after the other. Hiragana is the phonetic alphabet used in Japanese and is used to determine the grammatical relationship between Kanji. Basically, Hiragana helps hold the sentence together. Katakana is the phonetic alphabet used for words of a foreign origin -- for example, English names would be written in Katakana. It has all the same sounds as Hiragana but with different characters. The are used for nouns and the stems of adjectives and verbs.o    Start on the first grade kanji and work your way up. Remember, this will take a lot more time than Kana so prepare to take things slow. Remember, you can only use Hiragana for writing first. But to make writing completely understandable you need to know kanjis too. ALWAYS first learn Hiragana and Katakana though, then you can start slowly replacing Hiragana with Kanjis. (wikihow.com)


1. kung kailan mo gustong simulan, simulan mo. don't push yourself.

2. hindi mo kailangang magmadali para matoto.. hello.. practice ka lang.. wala naman sigurong magagalit kung di ka agad-agad matototo.

3.search for books, dictionaries, etc. of course those things were really helpful in learning more about japanes!

4. search also in websites... much helpful. watch videos, etc. especially for the grammar and intonation in your saying.

katanggap-tanggap ba? heheh

sana makatulong ang tips ko.

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>> iamgarlic19 <<


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