School bathrooms (Girls) Pt. 2

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Lately in the school bathrooms i've been noticing some graffiti I can guarantee it is worse in the boys bathrooms but the ones in the girls bathrooms are straight up insulting and the insults get crazier in the separated grades bathroom   for example I had to use the bathroom when I first got to school one morning and the closest bathroom is the 8th grade bathroom. There were literal insults carved into the sanitary box like " Vanessa is such a WHORE" or "Brittany should kill herself" WTF ladies why are we insulting each other at all it is just so confusing we need to stick together not drift apart and hate each other but why Why do we all seek to help each other then stab each other in the back with the very knife they gave to you Why why do we hate each other why do we act such ways in vain honestly we cause  the most drama in the cases of drama between each other  while men cause it elsewhere 😳 but even in this case isn't it odd that we make drama between each other so why why do we do this. -Jinx

my feminist anticsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora