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Y/n's POV:

We can all agree that having a girlfriend who's drop dead gorgeous is a blessing, spending the rest of your life wondering how the hell did I get so lucky

My girlfriend of 2 years, Elsa Arendelle. She's 5'7, curves so defined, skin white as snow, silky platinum blonde hair, smart too. She's the living Aphrodite

But despite her gorgeous looks, that wasn't the reason why I fell for her hard.
She was so kind to others, family oriented, her calm and shy persona intrigued me

She's loved by everyone in our town, mostly because her family helped improve our town's needs

It was honestly a shocker when I found from her sister, Anna, that she had a crush on me. Are you kidding me


"HEY Y/N" I looked to where the voice was coming from and immediately saw a strawberry blonde from the crowd running towards me

"Hey Anna, why so hyper today" I chuckled at her hyper energy, despite she and her sister look a like. They both had insanely different personalities

"Remember when you told me that you like my sister Elsa?" I widened my eyes and quickly covered her mouth with my hand

I looked around the crowd to see if anyone overheard our conversation and thank god everyone's so busy decorating the school gym for an event

"Lower your voice Anna" I whispered to her as she kept on talking against my palm

"jsgsuwbjsvsbsin" I frowned my eyes at her not understanding what the fuck she's saying so I took my hand off "What is it Anna"

"Okay okay, earlier this morning. I saw Elsa and Rapunzel outside the school togethe-"

"Well I mean they're best friends, what do you expect " I cut her off and she slapped my arm

"Let me finish, so again they were talking and I overheard their conversation-"

"My god Anna, were you eavesdropping on their conversation" I cut her off again

"Darn it Y/n stop interrupting, I heard Elsa talking about her long time crush" My smile faltered and looked down, my heart felt like it was being squeezed

It must be Hans, I mean he's rich, an athlete. He was a playboy and that sideburns looked so fucking ridiculous

"And it's you" I snapped my head up again to look at her

"Whaaattt" I trailed off my words, not believing a single word that came out of Anna's mouth

"Mhhhmm yep it's you" Anna smiled so brightly "oh and just so you know, I approve you for my sister" she patted my head as she skipped away to help decorate

I stood there with my mouth hang open looking at where Anna stood, my brain was still processing everything that she said to me

Me, Elsa's crush is....ME?! there's no fucking way, I'm not rich, hell I don't even think I'm good looking, I'm just an immigrant from Y/h/l

I was still trying to figure it out whether Anna was lying or not when I felt soft cold fingers were touching my chin to close my mouth

"You're gonna catch flies if you don't close your mouth" I was pulled away from my trance and saw Elsa smiling at me, she was still touching my chin

"Uhh- uhmm Hi Elsa" I must've sound dumb as fuck right now, I mean who wouldn't. It's Elsa fucking Arendelle everyone

"Hi there, so what's on your mind" God her voice sounds so fucking hot, it's like she's making everything that comes out of her mouth sound like a prophecy

"Thank you" Elsa laughed and let go of my chin

"You heard that?" She smiled and nodded her head, I bit my lip in embarrassment

"Sorry about that, I was just uhmm adjusting to the new environment around here"

After that we started to hang out ever since

Okay back to the present

As much as having a gorgeous girlfriend is a blessing, there is also the bad side of it like you know..


Yep that's it, there's nothing more I hate than having people constantly trying to hit on my girlfriend

There was also that one time- well this is a couple times but, this one guy was hitting on my girlfriend IN FRONT OF ME

The fucking nerve. It was no biggie after that since I gave him the black eye of his life

People sorta got the message that I was Elsa's and she was mine, that's it end of story but there is this guy...

"Love, hey you alright?" I looked to my right and saw Elsa looking at me worriedly

"Yeah yeah I'm alright" I assured her and she held my hand

"Are you sure, you were spacing out for too long. I know you like to space out a lot but you were really spacing out for too long" She kissed my cheek and felt my face getting hotter

"I'm fine, no need to worry" She hesitantly nodded her head and continued to eat the chocolate that I brought for her

just then someone had to ruin it

"Hey Elsa, oh..hi Y/n" there stood Jack Frost, the school's biggest Jackass. Everybody knew him as the star player in the football team considering he's fucking short (He's 5'7, I got that from Google)

But aside from that, he's also known for having a crush on Elsa. All of us know that he was only trying to get in her pants

"Sup Jackass" I smirked at him as he was glaring at me "Love" Elsa turned to me with a warning look

I rolled my eyes and watch as Jackass was trying to make a move on my girl, luckily being the amazing girlfriend Elsa is, rejected his ass

I laughed to myself and listen to Jack still trying to make a move on her "Here baby" I offered her a piece of chocolate and fed her "Thank you Y/n" She caress my cheek before turning back to Jack

I didn't really pay attention to what happened next cause it's useless really, I scrolled through tiktok and laughed at the funny videos

"Jack what's wrong with you! Stop!" I quickly turned to look at Elsa and saw that Jackass was gripping on her wrist trying to get her away

"Why would you choose that dyke over me, you know you could do so much fucking better Elsa!" Oh hell no

I shot up from my seat and got Elsa out of Jack's hold "Stay away from my girlfriend Jackass, can't you tell that she doesn't want you" I pushed Elsa gently behind me as Anna and Kristoff arrived beside Elsa

Out of nowhere, Jack punched me in the face so hard that I fell on the floor

"Y/N!" I heard Elsa scream for me, shit that hurt

I wiped my lip and saw blood, I clenched my fist before getting up and pounce at Jack

I repeatedly threw punches as Jack and felt Kristoff bulky arms trying to pull me away from him

"NO LET ME FINISH HIM!" I ignored Kristoff and continued to punch until his face was unrecognizable

"Y/n" I felt slender arms wrapped around my waist, smelling Elsa's scent. Her face was on my nape and left kisses "that's enough love, that's enough"

I slowly got off of Jack and immediately wrapped my arms around Elsa, I looked around and students were all gathered up around us. I glanced at Jack, seeing him groan in pain "h-help"

"What's going on in here" I heard an elderly voice outside the crowd and saw Mr. Weselton standing in front of the crowd

"Miss Y/l/n, Mr Frost in my office now!"

There goes the second one chapter, I'll write the Part 2 of Marry Me after a few imagines are published so yeah

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