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                 🌸chapter 3:she saw me🌸
Chifuyu's pov:

"So you're telling me, that the new girl in our class lives in your building and saw you fucking Karin?", Mitsuya asked me like I didn't explained it in heavy detail.

Mitsuya Takashi is the only friend I don't have anything bad to say about. He's kinda like me, except he doesn't care about anyone, while I like to be involved in everyone's business. He is like the male version of Shigo from Kim Possible-aggressive, hot, calm and really, really doesn't care about...anything.

"Yeah", I responded with calm and really bored tone, as usual. I wasn't really scared what's going to happen. I knew that the new girl won't tell anyone about what she saw. The way she looked at me made me realise, that she some how liked it. The boldness I had made her very interested in the situation. You are a different breed of human, new girl. I smirked to myself and got up from my chair. Mitsuya followed me with his gaze and shook his head.

"You need to be more careful, man", he warned me and stood up to walk with me, "we don't want you getting expelled, right?".

"You know me", I looked at him. He was slightly taller than me and way more muscular, but I've never felt intimidated by him, "I don't really care about this school", I explained.

"Still, we have to make sure the new girl will keep her mouth shut", he said.

"Don't ya worry. I will take care of that", I smiled to myself. Of course I already knew what I'm going to do with her. And I'm pretty convinced she's going to like it.

Y/n's pov, (after school):

After school me and Hina decided to go for a coffee, since we kinda became a little closer after the Chifuyu situation. She told me all about the guy. He's exactly what I've expected him to be-bad boy, who thinks he's the best, probably doesn't believe in love, that's why he's fucking ever girl he can.
After the coffee shop me and Hina separated our ways. I started walking towards my building, which wasn't really far from the city centre we were on. I got out the keys from my pocket and I started unlocking the front door of the building, when suddenly it started raining. I wanted to go to my apartment faster, so I don't get wet, but I heard someone shouting: "hey, you there! Hold the door!". I turned around to see Chifuyu running towards me with his school bag over his head. He stopped running, when he finally reached me, than he mumbled "thanks" and walked inside.
We were both waiting for the elevator, no one is saying a single word. The silence was so awkward. The doors of the elevator opened and suddenly I felt something pushing me inside with a small force. I got inside and Chifuyu got in after me. The doors closed behind him and he pressed the stop button. We stopped moving and I immediately knew-he wants something from me. I leaned to the walls of the elevator and crossed my arms.

"Yes?", I started the conversation. It was more than clear, that he wants something from me, probably he wants me to keep my mouth shut about what I saw today. But oh boy, I was so wrong. He came closer to me and put his hand on my waist, the other one above my head and he was leaning closer to my face.

"Your face today showed me, that you liked what you saw", he smirked and removed his hand from my waist only to rub my cheek, then he put it back there.

"Oh, for real?", I tried to play like I'm not really impressed with his actions, but if I have to be honest it really turned me on. His boldness and confidence are on another level, I have keep my cool, or I won't be able to resist him.

"Don't play mind games with me, little girl", he smiled once again, but this time it was more of a devilish smile than a smirk, "I can see how much you wanted to be in Karin's place".

"Does your cockiness works all the type, or is there girls, that are able to resist you", I asked to change the subject.

"There is no girl, who's able to resist me, they all like confident guys and I'm exactly what they need", he explained.

"How sad", I made a pleading face, then I quickly turned my expression to cold.

Chifuyu started rubbing my waist slowly, he knew what he was doing. I squeezed my tights together. I wanted him to touch me more, his perfume was strong, he smelled like a real man. Chifuyu put his hand between my tights and started rubbing my pussy slowly with his right hand. I wanted to moan so bad, but I couldn't risk someone to hear us, so I just closed my eyes and let him touch me. It felt so nice, until it suddenly stopped. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was smirking, he knew that I wanted him.

"See? You just proved my point", he removed his hand and put it in his pocket.

I got mad. No one can tease me and get away with it. I pulled the collar of his shirt and got his face closer to mine. I looked at him right in the eyes and I could see he was surprised by my sudden confidence. "When you start something with me, you better finish it", I demanded and let go of his shirt.

"Ooh~", he smiled and fixed his collar, "I'm impressed by your confidence, human", he addressed me as human, what the fuck, "you are quite interesting, little girl".

"Let's get to the point. What do you want, Chifuyu", I rolled my eyes.

"I want to make sure you'll keep quiet about what you saw today", as I expected, "but now I want more time with you..in private".

"Not happening, buddy", I smiled at him and I pressed the start button. The elevator started moving again and it stopped to my floor. I got out of the elevator leaving Chifuyu behind and didn't even looked at him again. This will teach you a lesson, pretty boy.

That was a nerve, Chifuyu smiled to himself. He knew what his new entertainment will be for the next month or two. This girl was quite his type. Maybe more than he expected.

The baddest/ Chifuyu M. X Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now