First sighting

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*Van and Kappei are chatting in class before the bell rang*

Kappei: This is so boring van lets just leave

Van: No Kappei we have to say here or else we'll get in trouble and get detention

Kappei: well hey They suck at their job

*bell rangs*

Teacher. All right class listen up today we have a new student, behold Lucy

Everyone. Hi Lucy

Van *surprised, heart pumping, face blushing*

Kappei. *pinch van arm*

Van: Ouch what was that for

Kappei. Are you seriously in love with Lucy!

Van. N-no of course n-not *face still blushing*

Kappei. Ooook then...

Lucy. *sits down next to Emma and all kids begin working on the lesson*

Van's mine. I must i must Win her heart No matter the cost She's just so Beautiful

Ninjala Fan Fiction story: Van x Lucy Love Birds Where stories live. Discover now