Chapter 48

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A/N: I might not be able to update my other bxb story (You are the Answer) this Sunday as I'm invited to a wedding on Saturday and I have a birthday on Sunday and am receiving guests. If I don't manage to post the chapter, you'll get two uploads next week (around Tuesday and on Sunday).


Nathaniel's POV

"You seem to be in a good mood," my mother chirped as I held the door opened for her and she walked into my room with a handful on clean clothes. "Happy to start school again?" She tried to guess as she put the load on the corner of my bed and patted it to get rid of the wrinkles.

A jolt of excitement ran through me. I'd never been the one to enjoy danger, yet the thrill of how close she was to him only made me wish to send her off so we could continue with our secret rendezvous.

I shouldn't be experiencing such a feeling; the logical thing to do would be to get scared. But sneaking around had brought a certain addictive thrill and I'd began to understand my sister's exhilaration at her questionable habits.

"The vacation lasts for another week, mom; there's time before I return," I answered, doing my best not to stare at the area around her ankles.

"But you love school so much," she turned her back to the bed as she strode towards me. "Surely you must've missed it." My mother's hand rose up to stroke my hair.

I had not missed it one bit. With everything that had happened, school had been the last thing on my mind. Hunter had, of course, been the foremost thought - sometimes unpleasant, to put it mildly, sometimes intoxicating - and that was the reason I had fallen behind on my studies. I was doing my best to catch up now that I knew where we stood. It wasn't an easy task though; picturing him half naked and smirking was a distraction I had to deal with and that was when he himself wasn't around me.

Nevertheless, I nodded in reply to her, smiling politely as I kept my hand over the handle.

"Well, then, I'll go get started on lunch." She stepped towards the opening that lead to the hallway. "I'm making roast beef."

"Can't wait," my smile widened and I closed the door behind my mom. By the time I'd turned around, Hunter had already half emerged from underneath the bed.

"Can't believe I have to hide like some stupid teenager," he complained as he straightened up, patting his jeans to remove the dust.

"You are still a teenager," I reminded, walking towards him and pecking him on the lips. The left corner of his mouth curled up in a smirk and he moved his hands off of his clothing and onto the sides of my hips.

"But I'm not stupid, am I?" He murmured, leaning down.

"One can argue about that," I teased and he paused, just an inch away from his target: my lips.

"Is that so?" He whispered, his eyes narrowing. "Don't scream."

Before I could ask him why I would be screaming, his palm covered my mouth. My feet lost contact with the floor as Hunter twisted us around and both of our bodies landed sideways on my bed. He quickly got on top of me, kicking away the clothes my mother had carefully folded; they fell down in disarray.

"You should be careful who you jest with, Natty." I closed my eyes as I felt his breath next to my ear. "I might have to punish you."

"What are you going to do? Spank me?"

I half regretted the words as they left my mouth; what if he took them as an invitation?

That was something way out of my comfort zone. I wasn't ready to try it out and not just at this moment; I didn't know if I would ever be into such games.

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