I woke up the next day, my head pounding. I looked around, examining my unusual surroundings.

Where even was I?

Oh wait, the party.

Suddenly, realisation hit me like a ton of bricks.
The mere thought of it made me whimper. Since when had I become so...different?

Suddenly a movement beside me caught my eye. I stared at the lump in the blanket warily. I was praying with all my will that it wouldn't be who I thought it was.

But the universe didn't listen to me.

Eliza's sleepy face appeared from the blanket. She looked around in confusion, until her sleep-filled eyes landed on me and she gave a small smile.

"Hey." She said, her eyes closing as her body relaxed. She seemed relieved.

Unlike me.

"H-hi..." I replied, unsure of what to make of this. "Um...did we...um...you know?"

Eliza looked at me with a frown, until she realized what i was asking her. Her frown changed into a smirk.

"Did we what?" She asked, her smirk widening with each second.

Oh she was pure evil.

"Uhhm...you know...like-?" Oh fuck this was so awkward. Why was I so awkward?

Thankfully Eliza decided to tease me no longer.

"No." She sighed. "But given the chance you probably would have." She said nonchalantly.

"Wait what? What does that mean?" I asked, a little surprised.

"Yeah. You were basically humping me yesterday." She replied, her tone not changing.

"N-no I wasn't." I said quickly, my voice visibly loud and shaky.

Eliza opened one eye to look at me. She looked me up and down, causing me to fidget more.

"Okay." She said. This annoyed me so much, but I decided not to continue this.

I walked to the bathroom to freshen up. Alice always kept spare brushes in the cabinets for unexpected guests. After I was done, I walked out to the room, only to see Eliza missing.

As I walked down to the kitchen, I heard a few voices. I walked into the kitchen to see Alice giggling and Eliza smiling brightly.

Now what was that about?

They were cleaning up after the party. Alice saw me entering the kitchen.

"Hey! How did you sleep?" She asked me.

"I slept fine." I told her with a smile

Eliza turned around at the sound of my voice. Alice noticed this and looked between us both.

"I am sure you did." She said.

Glaring at her, I grabbed a chair and sat down to check my texts. I saw 15 missed calls from office and almost choked on my own saliva.

"Hey listen, I gotta go. I have like 15 missed calls from office." I told Alice as I went to hug her good bye.

"Let me know if that son of a bitch says something rude okay. Imma chop him up into tiny pieces and feed him to his dogs." Alice said, clutching a knife in her hand. I took a step back from her warily.

"You don't have to get that violent. Just a few punched would do." I said, to which she nodded determinedly.

"I'll come with you. I need to leave anyway." Eliza said. We both said our goodbyes to Alice and left.

"Hey so...I didn't get your number." Eliza said cautiously. "You don't have to give it if you don't want to. I totally understand." She added quickly.
I noticed that she was fiddling with her rings.

"Oh I don't mind at all." I said with a pleasant smile.
She handed me her phone and I added my number in it.

"Thanks. I am parked right there." She pointed at a motorcycle a few meters away.

My heart skipped a beat.

"OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS! OH I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED ONE LIKE THIS! IT IS SO COOL...FUCK!" I basically squealed. I sprinted over to the bike and and looked at it in awe.

It was perfect!

I turned around to look at Eliza who was looked at me in surprise and happiness.

"This is the first time someone has reacted this way on seeing my bike." She said, her voice filled with wonder.

"I absolutely love motorcycles. I have always wanted one but I never had the money to buy it. I took lessons in the hopes that maybe one day I would have one of my own." I said with a small smile.

"Hey you know what? How about I give you a drop to your place?" Eliza asked after a second.

"Oh I don't want to be a burden...I mean my place will probably be completely out of your way..." i said. I was conflicted. I wanted to take the offer, yet I didn't want to be an imposition.

"It's not a problem. Trust me." Eliza reassured me.

"Uh okay then, if you say so." I said, as a big smile came onto my face.
Eliza climbed onto the bike and started it. The rumble of the bike made my big smile even bigger.
I climbed onto the bike behind her and hugged her from the back for support. I felt her breath catch for a second but the euphoria of actually being on the bike overpowered it. I settled onto the bike and off we went.

We reached my place in very little time. Apparently Eliza lived just five minutes away. She dropped me off and left.
I went home and called my office. Turns out there was a problem with some writer's contract and he decided I, an editor, was the right person to call.

He was just such a pain.

I cut the call and screamed in frustration. Don't get me wrong, I loved my job, but the people I worked with were the worst. They made me want to quit.

I felt my phone vibrate and checked it to see a text from and unknown number.

This is Eliza" it said.

A smile instantly crept up on my face, and I forgot what I was frustrated about a few seconds ago. I realized this and groaned.

What was she doing to me??


And That's How That WentOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora