Chapter 6

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Chapter 5

The Morning sun had broken over the ivory colored clouds, letting its pink hues and amber tone color my town, making it a beautiful morning. As much as it would've been so peaceful to keep laying in my bed, with my covers snuggled up around me. I had other obligations, which unfortunately I couldn't escape from. The thought of seeing Landon made my mind twist and cringe while a part of it was a bit elated thinking about our date in a few hours. Everyone at home was still asleep or at least hadn't left their rooms yet, but I knew as the sun continued to rise the more likely they were to get up and walk around the house. Which would lead to an onslaught of pestering questions about where I was off to and with who, and those are questions  I didn't want to answer at this moment.

I'll just take a quick shower, thinking out loud and throw on some clothes, nothing too fancy, but I don't want to look "bummish" either. I take off my violet colored nightgown, folding it and placing it on top of a short stool. The lukewarm water hits my body, making me think about everything that has happened.

"Wow, you know I never really got to just sit and think about everything that has happened recently." I think to myself.

Just recently my love for the Gods was unending, but then the festival happened where I realized that the Gods only used us because without our love their powers would disappear. They don't genuinely care for us; my head dips under the water allowing my hair to get drenched. Why is Landon trying so hard with me, does getting everyone's love matter that much? The rest of the village already loves him. I'm sure a few people not adoring will mess up his whole ideal.

As more thoughts filled my mind, the hot water was running out! There's no gradual decrease in the temperature of the water in my home. It goes from semi-cold to freezing in just a few minutes. Immediately rushing out the shower I grab my towel that's hanging on the shelf and tightly wrap it around my body. Afterwards I grab another smaller towel wrapping it around my dripping wet hair.

"Ugh what am I going to wear"? A dress that goes to my knees? Pajamas? A grass skirt?"

Flustered, I sink my head into my pillow and scream softly.

"This is so annoying, why do I have to go? That's it, I'm just going to wear my work trousers and call it a day!"

I was dressed, even though my hair was still in the process of drying, I grabbed my work boots that despite having a few holes in the soles, didn't change my opinion that I thought they were still adorable.

"It doesn't matter how I look, Landon should be happy that he's being blessed with my presence.

My door creaks as I open it, but hopefully it wasn't loud enough for anyone to notice.

But of course, as soon as my foot enters the kitchen my mother is standing right there with a grin on her face.

"Good-morning, Blossom."

"Morning mother.."

"How did this happen?" I think to myself, " I was so close to leaving the house.

"Your grandmother," my mother says with a smirk.

"Huh, what do you mean?"

" You think I wouldn't see you off on your first date, Blossom?"

I should've known that this was grandmother's doing, she hears me talk about a boy and she can't contain her excitement. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole village knew by now.

"But Blossom, I don't want to be rude... But why are you wearing that..."

I roll my eyes, here it comes.

" You should take care of your appearance and not wear work clothes on a date.."

"Mother, he shouldn't care what I'm wearing. He should be happy that he's with me.''

"Oh, please Blossom. Change your outfit and it wouldn't kill you to put some eyeliner and mascara on even if it's just for that boy anyway."

I go into my room and change, annoyed that my whole plan got thrown up into flames (no pun intended of course). After taking my mother's advice I walk back out into the kitchen and my mother almost drops to her knees.

"Blossom, you're so pretty." She says while hugging me.

"Enjoy your date sweetheart, even if it is with that strange boy."

I turn back, giving my mother an awkward smile. As I walked along the trail, countless flower petals would soar in each breeze. When I finally got to the fountain, there he was looking up at the sky, Landon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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