chapter 12 : Fight with Zavok past ( 2021 )

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Junker : And this is how the pups met Zavok .

Chase : We defeat him for the first time .

Liberty : Okay . Now I know who's Ghost of phantom Zavok .

Tundra : Wait , did he destroy Adventure City when you met Liberty ?

Junker : Yes . I was like ... He have his killing machine or some type of Crab mech-mans or whatever that thing is , really want to destroy Adventure City . And Liberty is helping us .

Liberty : I did ?

Junker : Don't you remember back at 2021 ? You weren't a member of the paw patrol but we give you a chance to help us stop Zavok .

Flashback started back at 2021 , Zavok is deployed his killing machine to destroy Adventure City since he failed to destroy Adventure Bay . ( Zavok now in red jacket and metal hands but his metal fingernails is still human style )

Zavok : Adventure City must be destroy . Hope those stupid pups won't ruined my plan to destroy Adventure City .

Ryder : * in voice * We're still going to stop you .

Zavok saw the paw patrol arrived at the city . Zavok started to strict out .

Zavok : Oh come on ! You defeated me from Adventure Bay . Now you are going to spoiled my plan to destroy Adventure City .

Liberty : Not if we stop you because paw patrol at work .

Zavok : Who is this wiener dog ?

Liberty : I am Liberty not a weiner dog .

Zavok : I want to know what's your name . So ... Robots attack the paw patrol !

Crab mech-mans started walk up to them . Chase drive his police car and active his grappling hook and shoot at Crab mech-mans chest , making them malfunction and destroy .

Chase : Bullseye !

Zavok : Nice pup-pack little pup but you can't destroy my special prototype robot . Cryo Crab mech-mans , ATTACK THEM !

The cryo Crab mech-mans started attack Chase throwing cryo-bomb . Chase active his police car shield from throwing cryo-bomb . His police car cover with snow .

Zavok : What's wrong ? Don't you like building a snowman ?

Marshall : This might going to take care of those cryo Crab mech-mans .

Marshall active his fire truck water cannon blaster and shoot on the ground . Making some cryo Crab mech-mans fell on the ground because of their icy mech leg .

Marshall : And this is how we make ice cubes .

Zavok : GRRR , I have enough of those nonsense .

Rubble : No because Rubble is ready to wreck some robot .

Rubble active his wrecking ball and smash all of Zavok's Crab mech-mans to chip piece .

Zavok : AHHH ... My beautiful robots ... My beautiful , beautiful robots !

Skye : Time to stop Zavok from destroy Adventure City .

Zuma : I am weady to help Wyder dude to stop some Cwab launchew . Also with Libewty .

Liberty : Is it ready , Ryder ?

Ryder : It's ready ! Now !

Zuma and Liberty active the cement launcher and splash Crab launcher legs . Now , they are stuck with dry cement .

Zavok : I can't believe ! Maybe it's too early to kill . I'll be back paw patrol ! But next time , I'll build some stronger , evil , robot to destroy you all . Since this is the second time we met .

Zavok have retreat to destroy Adventure City . The citizens started cheering for the paw patrol for stopping Zavok the second time .

Marshall : Wow , Zavok really makes a lot of mess in Adventure City .

Chase : I'm agree with you Marshall .

Liberty : Let's not talk and let's start cleaning .

Chase : Okay .

End flashback , Liberty started remember to remember she really helping the paw patrol stopping Zavok .

Liberty : Okay , now I remember .

Ryder : I made you to be a part of the paw patrol because you just help us .

Junker : But right now , we need to know where's Zavok lair .


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