Chapter 3: Lancer

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A mysterious figure pops out of the darkness. It's a human-like figure, but with a face covered in static and many pairs of wings. Lasar draws back in fear.

Lasar: Wh-what kind of monster are you?!?

??????: I'm ✑✩✲✵☊‱❂, but you can just call me any human name that you'd like.

Lasar: How about Lancer. But why am I here? Can I go back to Earth? Is this a dream? Am-

Lancer: Enough questions. You are dead. You cannot go back. You come here to become a ghost.

Lasar: WHAT?!?! I'M DEAD?!?!?

Lancer: Yep. Apparently you had laser eye powers, and accidentally zapped a cliff causing a landslide to hit you. And you destroyed New York City.

Lasar: Is there any way I can go back?

Lancer: Well I suppose there is, but I'm not going to tell you.


Lancer: No.

Lasar: PLEEEASE???

Lancer: No.


Lancer: No.


Lancer: Ok FINE.

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