Chapter 8: The Final Year

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"Penlight...stethoscope...thermometer...notebook." Eun Jae murmured, feeling each of her pockets to make sure all her tools were with her. Satisfied, she closed her locker and pulled her ponytail tightly. Dressed in her brand new white coat, Eun Jae left the interns' locker room and joined the rest of her classmates at the nurses' station. There were five of them, some were rubbing their eyes tiredly while others were eyeing the coffee machine longingly.

They're on the last leg of their internship at Geodae University Hospital, and the pressure of their impending graduation was beginning to take root. Despite the demanding case load, long night shifts, and struggling to finish her thesis during her spare time, Eun Jae found she was enjoying her internship year immensely. She took pleasure in examining patients and trying to figure out their diagnoses. She enjoyed scrubbing in on surgeries to watch senior doctors and residents perform procedures she only read before in her books. Eun Jae even found team meetings interesting, where they discuss a patient's case and how best to treat them. She absorbed everything she learned and tried to apply it to the cases she was assigned to. She observed her mentors as much as she was allowed to and practiced on her own until she felt she got it right. Everyday was a learning experience for her, and she relished every second.

The chief resident, Dr. So, arrived. Eun Jae straightened her eyeglasses and bowed to him, along with everyone else in her group. He nodded back at them, "Good evening," he greeted them, "Tonight is a busy night, so I hope you're all rested. I'll announce where you'll be assisting and you have to immediately report there after this. The resident in charge will brief you about your assignments.As you all know, we only have two months left in this internship, so I'm confident that you all have learned how to make yourself useful in the ward without me watching over you all the time. Don't disappoint me and don't make the residents complain to me that you're not working hard, am I clear?"

"Yes, Dr. So." they replied in unison.

Dr. So nodded, "Cha Eun Jae?" he said, turning to her, "You're going to the Emergency room tonight to assist Dr. Park. and Dr. Lee."

"Understood, Dr. So."

"Off you go then."

Eun Jae bowed and left without another glance, already trying to recall what she knew about Dr. Park and Dr. Lee. Each doctor had their own quirks, and she learned how best to act around them so she doesn't get into trouble. Some residents prefer the interns to stay out of their way until they call for them. Others would challenge their knowledge by having the intern explain a case and why a particular treatment is important, on the spot. All of them were very particular about time, and being late at the beginning of the shift was strictly frowned upon.

When Eun Jae arrived at the Emergency Room, the two nearest beds were occupied. Dr. Park, a second year resident, waved her over. The man on the table in front of her was groaning in pain, while a nurse cut the seams of his trousers to reveal the man's leg. He cried out in agony, trying to reach for his exposed leg, which was caked in dried and fresh blood.

"Are you the intern assigned tonight?" Dr. Park asked her conversationally, her eyes never leaving the patient as she continued her examination.

"Yes, Dr. Park." Eun Jae replied, eyeing the leg with interest, "Is it a broken leg?"

"Maybe. He was on a hit and run incident." Dr. Park answered.

"I'll get the cleaning tray, Dr. Park."

"Yes, thank you."

Eun Jae rushed off to get the cart of medical supplies from the Nurses' Station. As her hand wrapped around the handle, another hand tried to pull the cart away from her. She looked up, irritated, and Woo Jin glared back at her.

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