Chapter three: morning irritation

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️Melody POV

I felt myself being shaken, before a smooth voice spoke. "'s time to wake up." I heard Damien's voice speak, though I felt no energy to respond. "Come on...wake up..." He said again. I didn't reply but sighed. He said nothing for about three seconds. "RISE AND SHINE SWEETHEART, TIME FOR SCHOOL!!!!!!" He bellowed. I screamed and flung over the side of the bed, landing in Damien's arms. "WHAT THE HELL MAN?!?!" I yelled looking at him terrified. His ruby eyes shined with laughter. "I-I'm sorry!!," he laughed. "But you wouldn't respond!!" He said as he set me on the ground. I looked up at him with a frown. "Come on, let's go eat breakfast, your parents already left for work." He said leading me out of my bedroom. "They did? Why? It's so early." I asked. "Shitty weather, traffic will be terrible." He said. I nodded and followed him down the stairs while tying my hair into a messy bun. "Cereal?" He asked. I nodded. "Your getting pancakes." He said. I raised an eyebrow, "that's cool too." I laughed slightly. I reached up for the top shelf before sighing and beginning to climb onto the counter because i couldn't reach it...and yet again my father put my batman glass on the top shelf. Before I could get up, an arm reached up and grabbed my batman cup and handed it to me. "Oh, thanks." I said as I squeezed past Damien and got water. I took a sip of the refreshing drink and sighed in happiness as the cooling sensation stayed in my throat. "Ya know, shout out to water for making sure we don't all die from dehydration." I sighed. Damien turned and looked at me with a smirk. "I could agree with that." He laughed as he clinked his water glass with mine. I giggled and sat on the table before pulling out my laptop. I began messing around on tumblr and Instagram while Damien made breakfast. "So, your school, what's it like?" He asked. I looked up at him oddly. "Wait what? Wouldn't you know??" I asked. "Uh well technically yes, however I don't." He said. "Wait you leave me alone sometimes?" I asked shocked. "Hey I'm a busy guy, be happy I'm here making you pancakes!" He said with a stone hard look towards me while he tried to menacingly flip a pancake. I cracked a smile and shook my head looking back to my laptop. "Well, some days it sucks, some days it doesn't. A lot of the people are kinda rude though...and there are a lot of really really slutty girls and asshole guys." I said. "Slutty girls?" He asked. "Yeah...what about them?" I asked. "Oh nothing," he said as he placed the two pancakes on a plate and carried it over to me. "Eat up, then go take a shower. Your hair looks like shit." He said. "Oh thanks." I said with a mouthful of food. He grinned and turned back to make more.

I made my way upstairs after Damien...literally kicked my butt towards the stairs, and started the shower. I stood calmly in the shower, the warm water comforting my body as I scrubbed shampoo into my hair. I hummed to myself and danced lightly trying to pass time. I rinsed my hair before applying conditioner. As I waited for the conditioner to soak in I shaved my legs and everywhere else. I squeaked as I heard someone bang on my door. "Are you almost done??" Damien's voice spoke through. "Um, yeah. Just about." I said as I rinsed my hair before quickly scrubbing my body with soap. I hopped out and grabbed a towel to wrap around myself. Before I did I caught a glimpse of my body and frowned. My thighs were rather thick...and somewhat my arms. I pinched at the chub on my stomach and scowled as I poked and pinched at almost every area of my body. "Why are you doing that?" I shrieked hearing Damien's voice behind me and covered myself with the towel. "What are you doing in here?!?!?" I yelled glaring at him standing in the corner. "It got quiet, I got worried." He said. "Well get out! I'm fine!" I snapped. "You don't seem fine what's wrong? Is something wrong with your body?" He asked. I sighed and stormed past him into my bedroom. "Yeah! A lot. Now leave." I said looking at him walking into the room. I growled as I closed the door behind him after I shoved him out. "Wait! What's wrong with it!?" He asked worried yet with an irritated tone from the other side. 'Why does he care so much?' I thought to myself. "That's none of your business!!!!" I yelled as I pulled out clothes. I glanced out the window and saw light snow falling. "....sweater weather." I said while laughing to myself. I reached for the handle to my closet and opened it up, quickly turning on the light inside. I hated the dark, it terrifies me. I feel I have a reasonable fear. Let's be honest if angles exist, and I guess so do demons....who knows what else could actually exist.

I pulled out a warm outfit for the cold weather. Quickly dressing myself then cleaning my face. I sat for a moment looking around my room, my eyes landed on the bunkbed that for some reason made me smile. "It's like I'm at camp again." I mumbled. "Yeah all that's well and good but you know you have school right?" I heard Damien at the door. I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I know I'm going." I said walking past him. "Good. I'll be off. I'll see you later." I said. "Do you want me to walk you?" He asked following me down the stairs. "No, not really." I said as I grabbed my headphones off the table and swung my bag over my shoulder. "Are you sure...?" He asked crossing his arms. "What is your deal? I've been fine sixteen years without you what says i won't be another thirty minutes while walking to school?" I snapped looking back at him. I saw his gaze darken. "Alright, one you better watch your fucking tone with me. Two, I did NOT leave you alone for sixteen years, I was watching you every step of the way." He said in a low voice as he walked towards me, I kept my eyes level, staring directly at his chest, terrified to look up. "I'm only asking because you've seemed off and paranoid, though you won't tell me what is wrong." He said. "If you've watched me for sixteen years then shouldn't you know what's wrong with me?" I asked, my voice slightly shaky. "Oh, you mean your hatred of your body and complete lack of self confidence? Yes, I know about that." He said. "T-then what are you talking about?" I asked. Suddenly he gently pulled my chin up, forcing me to look at him. "I'm talking about your shaky emotions towards school. Why?" He asked. I looked at him confused, "wouldn't you know if you watched me?" I asked. "Melody...what kind of school do you go to?" He asked in a monotone voice. "" I said unsure of what was happening. "And what is your school build from?" He asked. "...a church..." I said quietly still confused. "Yes. A church, holy ground. Are you understanding what I'm getting at?" He asked. I shook my head lightly. "What am I?" He asked with an obviously irritated force. "A demo- ohh" I said wide eyed. "You can't go on holy ground." I said. "Ding ding ding, we have a somewhat genius." Damien said turning away and walked into the kitchen. "Wait weren't you watching me from some uh spiritual way or something?" I asked. "Well, yes. However my barrier I made between us didn't change the fact that I can't step upon holy ground...even if I'm not actually walking on it." He said. "Wow...its that strong?" I asked. "Well...let me put it this way." He said leaning up against the counter. "If I had my full powers I could not only walk among holy ground, I would crack the stability of its power beneath my foot." He said with a satisfied somewhat sadistic grin on his face. "What full powers...?" I asked looking him dead in the eye. "Don't worry about it, you need to get to school." He said. "W-wait you can't say something like that then expect me to walk away!!" I argued. "You can hassle me for answers when you get home. Ya know, just write your questions down throughout the day so you don't forget then you can ask me all you want." He said with a childish tone. I huffed angrily. "Whatever." I muttered as I turned away and walked towards the door, "have fun at school!" He called out. "Thanks." I replied before shutting the door and starting on my way.

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