A Dream Deferred

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I'd watched her pace, back and forth, her slim frame walking our living room like it was her catwalk.

She was angry.

I could nearly see the steam coming out of her ears.

"Simi, explain to me." She said, the Detroit drawl getting heavier the angrier she got. "What is the point of us scheduling dates, planning dates, for you to cancel them less than twenty-four hours before they're supposed to happen?"

"Syd, I-" I started before her hazel eyes glared at me.

"I don't want to hear a fucking excuse, Simeon. I need you to explain the point."

I opened my mouth respond, before deciding there was no good one. She was right. I'd booked us a reservation at Petit Trois. I'd felt myself grow hard at the thought of what dress she'd don over her slim frame. I'd readied myself to show her off through the streets of West Hollywood.

And then I'd gotten a call to shoot that evening.

"Baby," I breathed out, "You're right. My scheduling and planning are not going to get the job done. I have to follow through. But baby, we're here for the same thing. If you had a go-see or a shoot in the middle of the night, and you have, what do I do?"

"This isn't the same Simi." She pouted, and I couldn't help but grin.

I reached out, surprised when she let me take her hand before throwing caution to the wind and pulling her into my lap.

I kissed her face when the thought made me before replying to her argument, "It's exactly the same. But what happens? We always get back. And that's what we're going to do here. I'm going to get this shoot done, then I'm going to come back here, lay your pretty ass down, and we're going to try this date thing again tomorrow."

Her face held the gorgeous pout that had graced many a runway or magazine page at this point but then nodded her acquiescence. I kissed her cheek, before laying her on her back on the couch, settling myself over her.

"If it makes you feel any better, I promise all I'm going to think about is your pretty ass telling me about French delicacies."

The smile bloomed on her stunning face and I knew I'd be cursing the director of the shoot a million times over.

"I'll miss you too." She told me, stealing a kiss before pushing me off her, "Now go so you can hurry up and come back."

"Yes ma'am."

Three hours later, the Uber dropped me back at our apartment and I cursed, knowing that Sydney would be far past sleeping. Her shoots usually saw her leave at the crack of dawn, ensuring to have the light perfectly cast off of her beautiful face and body. I accepted that the night had been a bust and decided that simply holding my love for a few minutes would be enough.

I walked into a dark apartment and sighed despite myself.

This was my fault.

Though me shooting was something I knew I couldn't miss out on, I also knew that spending time with my woman was something I couldn't slack on either.

Something would have to give.

I'd taken off my shoes at the door, deciding that I'd make sure tomorrow would be a better day for us.

Or so I thought.

I halted at the bedroom that I'd shared with Sydney for the past eight months and saw there was no one in it.

A Dream DeferredWhere stories live. Discover now