Chapter One

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(Skye's POV)

I never understood how someone can judge so easily by someone's looks, or their back ground and possibly their past. I never understood it until it happened to me. A new school, they all say it would be good to move away and just forget about all the shit that happened back in Cheshire. But I don't think leaving a certain place, where it all happen, makes you totally forget about what those things have done. For example moving away doesn't quite make me forget about my mum or dad dying in a car crash. I winced away from that thought. It was a touchy subject still, it hurt to think about it and when ever someone said sorry or just mentioned their mums or dads, just made me want to break down.

I was always so insecure about my image. How skinny I was, defiantly put a dent in how I saw myself. I never thought I was pretty. My brunette hair was shaggy and didn't shine and bounce with every step. My brown eyes they were plain and like every other persons, they didn't gleam when I was happy, but that could simply be because I was never happy. My skin I just couldn't tan for the life of me, I would burn in the 5 minutes I tried. Seeing myself in a mirror makes me shy away and wear baggier things that hid the things that make me shy away from socialising.

I guess being accepted meant a lot to me to. I never felt right or accepted by groups of friends I hung out with. Like I was a follower and not a leader, hardly giving input with my thoughts on the subject they were talking about. I was an outcast and I knew it. And for being one of those, I was a big target. Most times it would be just words, but if I was lucky enough it would be punches (note sarcasm) And I defiantly have the bruises to prove it.

I sighed as I slugged my last luggage bag into the back of my Opa's (grandpa's) car. I shuffled over to the drivers seat and took a seat beside my Opa, the only person I had left that was blood. I looked out the window as he started the engine. I crossed my legs awkwardly as the baggy sweat pants were letting in a unpleasant breeze.

"How was your last day at school?" My Opa asked, I felt his grey eyes wander over to look at me, but left instantly to watch the road. I shrugged my shoulders, tugging down my dads sweatshirt - I was aloud to keep - to cover up the fresh bruises.

"It was fine." I replied in a hush tone. My words being lost in the wind that blew in from my Opa's open window. (A/N; for those who don't know 'Opa' is grandpa in German) I played with a stand of my dads sweatshirt, the cloth was falling apart from age and there were many holes from the burning cigarettes that he foolishly let fall as he doze off. I laughed lightly at the memory of my dad prancing around trying to fling off the smoke. But the laugh stopped quickly, because pain replaced it leaving my heart in pain, and my eyes watering threating it let a tear fall. I pursed my lips as I straightened my back putting my brown hair into a messy bun, some strands fell down on my cheeks tickling them softly as the wind made them move.

"Where are we moving?" I built up the courage to talk, though he was my closest family I still had a hard time speaking to him.

"Mullingar." Was his short answer, I looked down at the passports that poked out of his pocket and bit my lip.

I never thought we'd be moving so far away from Cheshire, but I guess it was a good thing. It was good to move to a completely different place so no one knew who I was and no one knew my past. It was a clean slate and I was going to take full advantage of it.

Authors Note;

Okay so this in my new Niall Fanfic ahh so exciting haha. Okay so this is short chapter but its just a introduction so yeah J

If you read it then thanks you're amazing hehe.


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