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to: parkjay0220@gmail.com

subject: can i be the princess bubblegum to your finn? 

do you remember steven universe and adventure time? those were your favorite shows when we were younger. well, you kept on watching them as you grow older. you told me that you're finn and i'm jake because we're best friends like them. 

i'll tell you a secret.

i did hope that you'll be finn and i'll be princess bubblegum. but that's in the past, really cheesy, huh? besides, princess bubblegum looks way more better with marceline. you better agree.

i regret declining whenever you ask me to watch steven universe with you. i would always ask you to change the show to grey's anatomy. i'm not sure if you liked that, but it seemed like you liked the show too even though you kept on complaining and telling me to change it back to your show.

the next time you ask me to watch steven universe and adventure time with you, i will automatically say yes. if there is a next time. 

- seona

scheduled mail: 05/26/2022

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