0; 99th Hunger Games

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Red and thick, staining the once beautiful meadow a dull yet bright crimson. The sound of rapid footsteps were what was all heard from the chaotic bloody massacre as the blurry figure of District 3 tribute, Gunter Weezer, runs into the safety of the forest- the place he and his ally, Mildred Riffle of District 11, have settled in the arena. Blood came pouring out of the wound coming his chest, running down his stomach to his leg and down to the ground. On the run, he tore half of his sleeve and could only merely hold it on his wound before he forced himself to hide in the undergrowth.

Behind him was the bloody massacre. The last of the remaining tributes, including Gunter's ally, has been horrifically killed by Cleve, the tribute of District 4. Her murderous laughter was still heard loud and clear even with Gunter now out of earshot. Of course, she's lost her mind. Who wouldn't honestly?
Gunter barely even made it to the forest alive- it's honestly a miracle he hasn't passed out right now. Cleve cut him deep in the chest and wouldn't have stopped there if it hadn't been for Mildred coming to his aid. She had thrown a rock beside them in order to distract Cleve. And it worked. At the cost of Mildred's life instead of Gunter.
Cleve had abandoned Gunter's rapidly bleeding weak, frail body and rushed over toward Mildred.
All Mildred could say was run before she was slashed in the throat, which immediately killed the poor 12 year old girl.

That was exactly what Gunter did. As soon as Mildred opened her lips to say that, for he knew she was going to say that. Gunter shook his head gently to try and forget what happened minutes ago for now, but only made pain fill his whole body. He'd lost so much blood to the point that his head pounded with every move. And when he tried to stand up, he fell right back down thanks to his unstable, shaky legs. By now Cleve would notice he fled from the scene and go looking for him in the woods. He could already hear her cackling getting closer and her taunting getting louder.

At least he didn't have to worry about her following the blood trail. She was so stupid that she avoided all the signs of a trap Gunter and Mildred set up for the Careers. The male District 1 tribute wasn't stupid though, much to the surprise of Gunter. Luckily for Cleve, he saw all the signs of the trap and stopped her dead in her tracks by pushing her aside and ending up in the trap himself, which had him killed. This time though, Cleve had no other Career willing to sacrifice themselves. She killed the last Career tribute besides herself, after all.

With Cleve occupied trying to find him, Gunter can regain what little strength he has and come up with a plan. Some type of plan good enough to outsmart Cleve and ultimately be her end. Not for the sake of District 3 desperate for another victor, not even the sake for the sake of his mother and two younger siblings- who've probably shed countless of tears these couple of weeks. Not because he wants to be victor, to have unlimited years of spotlight yet suffer for the rest of his life.
His throbbing head is foggy now due to blood loss and thoughts of the future crashing down on him. Only one thing stays clear from the mist in his mind;
He's doing this for Mildred.

Finally, after sitting in the fog of his mind for what feels like hours, Gunter decides to get up, motivated by the now blood-soaked cloth not catching any of the blood leaving his body. It was now or never. Whether he had a battle plan or not. If he waits any longer, he'll die of blood loss. He'd rather die fighting, so that way in the afterlife he can at least say he tried his best to avenge Mildred's death.

Getting up was the hardest thing to do. Pain filled his whole body once more. His shaky legs pounded with agonizing pain and exhaustion, from running all week and burns caused by a forest fire at the beginning of the Games. Blood came pouring out of his chest like a waterfall, only red. He felt as though he was going to pass out, so he grabbed hold of a nearby tree trunk with one hand, and took a bunch of random leaves of a branch to put onto his chest wound with his other hand. When it felt as though another hour passed- even though it's been minutes- Gunter had finally gathered the last of his strength and forced himself to run back to the meadow.
After an agonizing minute of running passed, he reached the bloody meadow, where the whole massacre happened.

All the bodies had already been taken away in hovercrafts, leaving only bloody stains in the grass and patches of weeds patted down. Gunter could only feel a split second of grief before he forced himself to push back his feelings and grabbed a sword from a pack left behind by a Career tribute- possibly left by Cleve herself. He couldn't allow himself anymore time to grieve over the loss of his ally. There was no time to. He had to do this. For Mildred.
Cleve Ravespeak will not be the victor of the 99th Hunger Games, I promise you that Mildred.

Faint laughter could be heard at the edge of the treeline, far from where Gunter was hiding yet close to the Meadow. Cleve was coming back.
Gunter calmly walked toward the laughter, his face emotionless. Suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks as Cleve came into sight, marching right towards him knife in hand. He calmly waited for her to be a mile away, before preparing himself to either take her blow or take a life.
Without thinking he lifted the sword up and threw it toward her with all his strength. The sword met her stomach within an instant of being thrown. She was only inches away from him before falling face-first into the ground, wedging the sword deeper and deeper into her stomach. Immediately, blood poured from her gash. Cleve started to get up, but winced, staying on her knees while beginning to pull the bloody sword out. A low whine of pain came from her lips once it was out. Falling onto her hands while bleeding to death, she looked up at Gunter with crazed blue eyes and stifled a chuckle, "Congrats, Gunter Weezer.." She trailed off, "You win."

She could've gotten up and attempted to end Gunter before she could bleed to death first, could've wedged in her knife in his chest the same way that sword did. Instead she accepted defeat. Why? That was all Gunter could think as he watched her bleed to death. He had a feeling that this time, it wasn't because she simply didn't know- because of her lack of thinking. No, when it comes to murder and bloodshed she knew everything about it; so she would definitely know there was a chance for her to finish him off, as they were both bleeding badly and could die of blood loss at any second. So why? Why face death when she had come this far ruthlessly killing most of the other tributes?

That was the question Gunter found himself asking as the canon booms loudly. Numbly, he walked away from Cleve's body so that way the hovercraft can collect it and the announcer can announce his victory. Soon after he walks far enough away from the body, the announcer's voice boomed through the arena.
He paid no attention to whatever he said though, knowing he was announcing that the 99th Hunger Games had a victor. And it was Gunter Weezer of District 3.

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