5. My songs know what you did in the dark

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Rihanna - Cheers
Labrinth- Mount Everest
Fall out boy- My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark

"I was thinking maybe for our assignment, we could write a paper on the Romanovs? I did one back home for History club and it won two awards." Nadia suggested to Vince. They were seated at the center desk of the school's massive libraries with mountains of textbooks for their current workload. They'd been at it for two hours now and seeing as it was a Saturday, Vince was just anxious to finish and rush into town to see the progress on Alejandros apartment for the party that night.
"Sounds good. Might sound even better if I knew who they were." He said, watching the time intently. Nadia noticed his unease, which was a new feeling she noticed about him. Vince was usually very casual and laid back. Maybe even too casual sometimes. She wanted to ask him if he had somewhere to be, but instead just decided to wrap up their session. After all it was a weekend and they could both use the break.
"We'll get to that next week. I think we can end here today." His instant relief could not have been more apparent.
The pair tucked the books away properly and said goodbye to the librarian, who also seemed to be ready to close up. They walked out together, Vince stopping to greet a few of his friends on the way.

"Anything planned for tonight?" He asked Nadia as they strolled to her dorm which was on the other side of school and quite the trek.

"Nothing at all. I was even considering turning in early." She checked the time as she spoke. It was only 18:30 on a Saturday. How could it be possible that somebody's life could be so bleak?

"If you're interested, my friend Alejandro is having a party in town. I'm hosting so I have to rush there. But you should come."
They had reached the cross roads that had the parking lot to the left and the girls dorms to the right.
"Seriously?" Nadia has never been invited to a social gathering that wasn't hosted by the school at St. Eugene before. It was both thrilling, because she was finally making a friend, and terrifying-because how is it the first invitation she gets is from Vincent Farmount?
"Seriously," he said now strutting to his car. "And bring your cute roommate!" Vincent strutted into his black SUV and drove out towards the schools gates.

"Wait, tell me again." Clarissa cooed. She and Nadia were getting ready in her bedroom. They were both seated at her dresser and Clarissa was feathering on blue metallic eyeshadow that matched tiny blue cotton dress perfectly.
"I've told you this twice already," Nadia laughed while tying her brown curly locks in a high ponytail. "He just invited us to go for Alejandros party. I think he lives in town or something."

"I wonder why that could be," Clarissa said while lining her lips with a brown eyeliner. "But that's not what I mean!" She jolted up. "The part where he called me cute." She swooned.

"Ugh Clarissa, you are so conceited." Nadia laughed and stood up to try her outfit. While her style was definitely not as glamorous or high fashion as her roommate's Nadia really made do with what she had. With the help of fast fashion and a handy thrift shop, she managed to rack up a very fashionable wardrobe and even grow a nice tasteful style herself. That night, she was wearing a little cotton baby pink backless dress with a pair of Clarissa's white EGO strappy heels. The pink was such a beautiful contrast to her creamy brown skin, and even Clarissa herself was taken aback by her.
"Okay! Now we're talking. Where do you hide those curves girl?" She swooned at her friend while she tried on her own dress. She was pairing hers with white chunky Adidas sneakers and a cheeky gold anklet she picked up from Selfridges back home in London.
"Shut up," Nadia laughed, also lingering at Clarissa who was obviously one of the most beautiful girls at school- and she's ever met. "Do you see yourself? You could wear a trash bag and still look hot."

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