Chapter 86

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The kiss ended slowly, but Shen Xingsui's heart was beating like a drum, but it didn't end at all.

His eyes blinked, lest he had some kind of hallucination to hear this sentence, just today, on such a cold and unpredictable night in the spring, he heard the idol he had liked for several years Say love to him. Fu Jinxiao brushed Shen

Xingsui's face lightly with his rough fingertips, and chuckled, "Give me a response, Mr. Shen, you're making me lose face."

A touch of crimson.

The shyness of hindsight.

Because they just kissed.

Fu Jinxiao was shocked by his rough nerves, and smiled helplessly and indulgently: "So thin-skinned."

In a sense and level, it's not that Shen Xingsui's cheeks are too thin, it's mainly because of someone's cheeks Too thick, but no one dared to say that.

But Fu Jinxiao said again: "It seems that I have to work hard so that Teacher Shen can adapt more in the future."


Shen Xingsui's eyes were misty, and he blinked in confusion, not fully understanding the meaning of this sentence.

Fu Jinxiao looked at him, the young man in front of him had a fair and ruddy complexion, his makeup had not been completely removed, and his clear appearance was unprovoked and reminded of the immortal energy on the stage, which made people surprised and felt The goddess who cannot be blasphemed came, and she was lustful and pure. At this moment, her eyes also had the slightest affection. When they looked at each other, it was unreasonable to cause people to make mistakes.

Fu Jinxiao's heart tickled, and she wanted to bully her.

Shen Xingsui seemed to have sensed his intentions, he pushed him back with his arm, and said softly, "Don't..."

The smile in Fu Jinxiao's eyes disappeared in an instant, his eyes darkened, his voice was hoarse, with a sense of oppression Ask: "Why?"

"If your lips are still swollen tomorrow, you won't be able to explain it." Shen Xingsui gave you a more dedicated expression: "We'll be recording the show tomorrow, in case it's seen by everyone..."

His worries came from all aspects. .

Unexpectedly, Fu Jinxiao was ruthless, and the actor sneered: "You can see it when you see it."


How can there be such a willful person.

Just when Shen Xingsui was complaining in his heart, the sound of his stomach breaking the silence was broken by the sound of starvation. In the quiet small courtyard, it seemed a little clear.

Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows: "Are you hungry?"

Shen Xingsui nodded embarrassedly.

"Why didn't you think about cooking an extra bowl for yourself when you were cooking noodles?" Fu Jinxiao said as she stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Shen Xingsui said honestly, "I forgot when I was busy."

When I was thinking about another, I completely forgot about myself. After I was done, I relaxed and felt hungry.

Fu Jinxiao walked to the kitchen and picked up the remaining dough on the table. Fortunately, it was all already kneaded. He simply picked it up, boiled water in the pot, and picked up the kitchen knife, moving quickly. The cut: "The time is running out, so I won't roll the noodles for you. I will make a knife-cut noodle and eat it."

 The cannon fodder fake young master was stunned after being reborn (BL) (MTL)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu