Chapter 7: sequel

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dazai x pregzai and their neighbor y/n sequel ^chuuya

after the whole scandal that happened with y/n and the couple pregzai and dazai everything went
back to normal.

pregzai gave birth a month later and they had a baby called dazia. it's gender is unknown.

a few years later dazia is now 4 but after that time they didn't get a new neighbor but then a week later they heard there was a new neighbor moving in, after the scandal that happened dazai and dazai (pregzai will now be called dazai since he isn't pregnant anymore) have not had a new neighbor in a while. after the neighbor finished moving in there was a knocking on the door it was the new neighbor.

dazai says "who is knocking"

dazai(pregzai) then say it "might be the new neighbor, go open it"

dazai opens the door and then sees chuuya, chuuya was dazai old partner. dazai was in shock when he saw chuuya, chuuya was also in shock. dazai then shuts the door on chuuyas face.

chuuya then says angrily "what the fuck is dazai doing here what the actual fuck" and then walks back to his house

dazai(pregzai) then asks "who was it?"

dazai then says "oh it was just the neighbor across the street"

dazai(pregzai) didn't notice anything weird so he went back to doing what he was doing the

next day dazai went and knocked on chuuya's door, there was no response so dazai kept knocking on the door but there was still no response so dazai decided to knock one more time and still no response so he decided to break in to the house. chuuya was trying to sleeping and ignore the knocking

dazai then says "chuuya are you home"

chuuya doesn't respond so dazai decided to explore the house and then he gets to the chuuyas bedroom and then he opens the but nobody was in there

dazai then says "i guess chuuya isn't home"

chuuya had got out from the window when he heard dazai get in and then went to a bar

later that day dazai(pregzai) suggested that they go check out who the new neighbor, dazai does not completely agrees but says sure i guess.

a few days later the go and knock on chuuyas door, dazai hoped chuuya wasn't home, they knock on the door twice but there was not response so they were abt to go. dazai was relieved chuuya wasn't home but then as they were leaving chuuya was just arriving home. dazai and chuuya made eye contact for a second then dazai(pregzai) went up to

chuuya then says "hello we are the neighbors from next doors it is very nice to meet you"

chuuya says "hi yeah it is very nice to meet you as well, is this your child?"

dazai then say "umm yeah it is you can say"

chuuya then looks at dazai and says "oh that's nice"

dazai(pregzai) notices there was something going on with chuuya and dazai, and the way dazai responded when chuuya asked if it was there baby.

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