Did he-? Is Harry immortal?

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"Ahh, fuck! The hell!" Harry said in annoyance as blood trickled down from his mouth. He spat out his blood.
Neville walked up and handed him a handkerchief, "Sorry, I was aiming for Bellatrix."
"You were aiming for Dumbledoor as well and ended up hitting me then." Harry said, wiping the blood from his mouth.
"This happens often I take it." Tom asked while helping Harry up. He stumbled a bit but soon regained his balance.
"Is this why you skip class so much?" Snape asked a bit stunned.
"Yeah, Harry is kinda like the human shield- as fucked up as it sounds he has saved many lives by simply blocking stray spells."
"At what cost though?" Barty asked examining Harry.
The room went silent.
"My sense of sight."
"What! How, you didn't even get hit in the eyes!" Draco exclaimed nervously.
"Eyes are the gateways to ones soul. As much as magic quite literally flows through our bones it also is bound to our soul. If one where to make a deal with the devil, or lost one's soul, then they would lose their magic as well."
There was brief silence before he spoke again. Understanding what the young child is saying.
"Me being the only one to have lived a certain death spell...my mother. Sold her soul to protect me. Instead of her magic being lost it is now my last protective barrier. But nonetheless it's magic of a soulless person. It would kill me over time anyways. I was supposed to die that night. But my mother defied fate in my name. So here the fuck I am."
"Well that's good." Narcissa breathed a sigh of relief.
"Oh no you mistake, each day I am aloud to live I will make it utter hell for those around me." Harry replied with a bright smile on his face. There were those little flowers around his head in a background of pink and sparkles. If he was talking about something less dark it would have been cute.
Screw that it was cute either way.
"So your like immortal?" Bellatrix asks.
"I am immortal till proven mortal!"

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