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Ohm left his office feeling a bit frustrated. After not finding ways to make the restaurant staff cooperate with them, they were watching each and every surveillance camera that could give them any lead of Norman's last moments. However, the task seemed to be pretty exhausting. Their best suspect was someone who met him at the restaurant before going home that night, but the subject seemed to be aware of their every move and was never fully captured by the cameras. It was like he was schooled to avoid them and walk only on the blindspots. He sighed heavily, running his fingers through his hair.

Ohm smirked bitterly realizing that when he was at home he couldn't find any rest or could sleep properly, but now after watching hours of filming over and over again trying to find a clue, he felt really tired, almost like his eyelids could close without his order. He needed a coffee and facing his team, which seemed also close to losing hope on what they were doing, he knew caffeine wasn't a choice, but their only salvation.

"Hey, kid!", he tapped Fluke's shoulder, making the man startled with the sudden touch. As a rule, they never got so close to each other. If they were in a room, it would be on opposite walls; if they were sitting on a table, it would be on different sides. This is why he was so surprised at the sudden action, just to feel annoyed in the next second. "I need you to grab us a cup of coffee each! You already know our taste, please hurry up because we need to find something in these videos!", Ohm wiggled his eyebrows at him, half teasing, half trying to be the motivational senior detective he should be.

"Why me?", Fluke furrowed his eyebrows at the other, offended to be relented to such a task.

"Again: because you are used to doing it on a regular basis. Any other would need to write down our orders, this would take forever to be done and we need an energy boost as fast as possible. Go, go, go!", Ohm shooed him away. Fluke left the Station muttering some curses to himself, but did as the other said. 

"You're gonna make the poor boy end up hating you, Ohm!", Boun gave his friend a knowing look.

"Well, if that happens, it will be nice. We don't need more drama around here!", Ohm shrugged. He felt internally bad by doing that, because Fluke didn't do anything to personally irritate him. Actually, he wasn't that bad if you looked closely at him. Maybe a bit clumsy, but a hardworking man. His friendly trait won everyone's hearts in the Station and some other body parts too. Ohm sighed heavily.

"They look like 2 highschoolers dying to fuck each other, but too afraid to take the first step!", Prem interfered as he arrived to deliver a document Boun had requested him earlier.

"Thank you, hottie!", the blonde said with a wink, making the other blush from head to toe and running away from there as soon as he got the receipt he needed to take back to the evidence room.

"Aren't we on the same spot, my dear friend?", Ohm threw back at Boun as soon as Prem couldn't hear them anymore.

"I–", Boun started to say but was prevented to follow as something that wasn't not even close to their plans to happen that evening happened. A man dressing common clothes, jeans and a black t-shirt entered the Station holding a gun at plain sight. Without giving anyone the time to react, he fired the ceiling, making some dirt fall over him like some sort of morbid snow.

"Everyone stay calm and do the fuck I say from now on!", the man announced loudly and clear, getting nods and screams as replies.


Ohm's first reaction was to check if there was anyone in risk at the moment. As soon as he noticed his team was tense, but okay to go, he let out a sigh. Even at that moment, he was capable of patting himself on the back for having asked Fluke to grab them a coffee. He couldn't even imagine his nerves if he was in that dangerous situation with them.

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