Chapter 1: Ruby Rose! Hunting Duelist!

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Roman Torchwick considered himself a reasonable man in a world that most of the time refused to give him the same courtesy. Sure, he lied, cheated, and stole like any other criminal, but unlike them, he was first and foremost a professional. He didn't kill the clerks at mom and pop dust shops if they kept their heads down like he said, and he didn't stack his deck before a duel. Not only was that a bit more than he could stomach, but he had his pride as a duelist. He may have dropped out of Haven, but it wasn't for lack of skill.

Which made it all the more irritating when that bitch with the flaming eyes had strong-armed him into going on a crime spree for her. He'd stolen so much dust, that crucial element used to create the most powerful of cards, that he probably could have provided enough first-rate decks for an entire army. Which, given her alliance with the White Fang, might have been the witch's goal for all he knew. He didn't enjoy the idea of working with those animals, too fanatical for his tastes, so he'd managed to convince her to let him rent some guys from Junior's underground turbo duels for the robberies.

Of course, given the fact that said goons were now strewn unconscious across the street, maybe he should have sucked it up and just brought the terrorists.

"You were worth every cent, truly you were," he snarked, raising his gaze towards the surprising source of his latest irritation. A freaking fifteen-year-old girl in a red hood with a crimson duel disk strapped to her left arm, the outer rim looking sharp like the edge of a scythe.

Yeah, he was not in the mood for this.

"Well, Red, I'd say this has been an eventful evening," he said, turning to take the dust he had in the case at his side and go. "But I'm afraid this is where we part ways."

"Oh no you don't!" the girl shouted.

She pressed a button on the crown of her duel disk, her aura flickering scarlet. She thrust out her hand and a band of crimson energy flew out of her wrist, snaking through the air and wrapping around Torchwick's.

The gentleman thief's jaw dropped in shock. "A duel anchor? How the hell does a pipsqueak like you know how to make a duel anchor?"

The girl smirked. "Win and I might tell you. But that's not going to happen, and you're not getting away."

"Oh, really?" Roman replied, a wicked smile spreading across his face. Duel anchors were a high-level capture technique, summoning a chain of aura to keep criminals from escaping, in addition to opening the doors to more... lethal modifications. The only ways to break it was to deplete the user's aura or defeat them in a duel. Hardly a difficult task for someone of his skill.

He flipped his cane around, and the handle snapped off into his palm, the body breaking off and expanding into his Melodic Cudgel duel disk. "We'll see about that."



Alright, she had gone to a dust shop to get supplies for making Yang some 'congratulations on getting into Beacon' cards and ended up in a life or death duel with a wanted criminal mastermind. Maybe dad had good reason for ordering not to go into the city alone after all.

But on the bright side, she could tell him she'd finally used the duel anchor he taught her! Just like a real hunting duelist! Yay!

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