Post-Credits | The Wanderer of Worlds

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Post-Credit | The Wanderer of Worlds


Location: New York Sanctum, New York City, USA, Earth

Time: June 2016

Living back in New York had been a complete change in scenery for Stephen Strange. It was even more of a change for Illyria. After agreeing to take guardianship over the ten-year-old girl, he had come to quickly realise how much it daunted him. Not only did he have responsibility for one of the Sanctums, but he now had responsibility for a child.

A live and breathing human being.

Last year, he wouldn't even comprehend ever agreeing to care for someone let alone legally taking them under his wing. However, Stephen knew no one would be fit for this job other than himself. The sorcerers in Kamar-Taj seemed happy that Illyria had someone else to be with, but also shocked Stephen that they agreed for him to take her in. He, who had only been with them for less than a year.

All the masters somehow agreed collectively, with Wong at the end giving him the final news of his idea. Next, he had to ask the girl herself if she was willing to come with him as his guardian now.

That had turned out better than he hoped for.

They were planning to move in this coming summer, but with the sanctums slightly...ruffled by Kaecilius and his disciples, Stephen began his renovations before Illyria would come and live with him permanently. Of course, she would be allowed to go to Kamar-Taj and back whenever she pleased but he knew that perhaps a new place to call home was good for her. She outgrew her room back in the Sanctuary and with the kid growing ever so tall in the past month; Stephen assumed that her bed would be too small in the next year.

Several rooms were considered guest bedrooms in the Sanctum, though most of them were empty and old looking. He heard that they were usually rooms for sorcerers who went in and out of the Sanctum. The Master of the Sanctum would have his own suite on the second floor, along with several other rooms and living spaces on the same flooring. There were a study and a library on the first floor as well as the attic which held most of the relics and magical objects.

He, however, had not gone down to the basement.

That would be another time to check out.

Whilst Stephen had been sorting out the library, he stopped in his tracks as he saw a shadow in the corner of his eye.

He backtracked his steps and turned his head ninety degrees.

Standing in the middle of the library was a person. Their face was hidden by a dark navy hood, their jet-black hair poking out from them. Stephen tried to squint his eyes to gain a closer look at their face but somehow saw just a shadow. They must have used a spell to hide themselves.

They had their hands on their sides, covered by brown leather gloves as well as a band on each wrist. They wore dark navy and black robes, along with black boots that were a little scuffed than most he had seen. Though what intrigued him was the necklace he wore around his neck.

It reminded him of the Eye of Agamotto, a large pendant that held the Time Stone. But instead, the pendant was in the shape of a flower – a lotus. There was a soft glow around it, though it dimmed at once when Stephen got closer.

He approached the figure warily and spoke, "Uh hello...and you are?"

Their head looked straight at him, speaking: "Master Lokachari." They introduced themselves, "You must be Master Strange."

Stephen had never heard a voice so smooth and yet so haunted. It was baritone, though felt songlike in his ears even when he was just speaking. Their accent was much like the Ancient One's, laced with various dialects but quickly went straight to a British one.

He raised an eyebrow and clicked his tongue, "Right." Stephen trailed off, "And you're here because..."

"Illyria must not know that I exist," Lokachari told him, a tone that didn't hide his pain. "Not yet at least."

Stephen asked with surprise, "Why?"

Raising his hand, Lokachari opened his palm before a thin slip of parchment materialized in his hand. Stretching it out to him, he nudged his head to Stephen to take it.

Once Stephen took the parchment, he realized that it was a letter. On the back of the envelope was his full name written in calligraphy.

"You would understand once you read this," Lokachari informed him, his voice laced slightly in fondness to then respect. "You and the Ancient One were not the only ones who wielded the Eye of Agamotto. I have once used it, for the safety of my people. But now it is yours to protect. And for you to know in time the truth."

His eyes averted from the letter as Stephen questioned, "The truth about--?"

Expecting a direct answer, Lokachari answered. "You already know who I speak of." Their head turned to the side slightly before returning to him. "I must go...and thank you."

"For what?" Stephen asked him, still confused about how this sorcerer knew about her.

A sad tone was in his words. "For taking care of her," Lokachari spoke softly, "She has once taken care of me a long time ago; I wished that I could repay it, but a lot of people need me. These are only a few things I can give to her."

Not long until Master Lokachari bowed his head in thanks and brought his hand out, creating a gateway. Stephen could have followed him through but kept his eyes down at the letter before him. Once the golden glow disappeared, Stephen took a shuddered breath and pried open the letter.

Dear Stephen Strange...


- Dr Strange and Illyria will return -



A/N: Welcome back and apologies that I'm posting this a week since last time. I've just been busy trying to write and plan things but I will be posting book 2 this week.

Note: the series will be bouncing between Illyria and Elemmire's stories so it's your choice if you want to read the MCU side, the LOTR side or both. (Basically your choice). I'm doing this now because Changing of the Song might not fully make sense when Hrive Utulie continues so I have to post Book 2 first.


Edited: 04/04/2022

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