Chapter 1

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He had felt cold his entire life, and it showed. He wasn't the nicest person, unless you actually took the time to get to know but, but as face value, Lovino was mean brother of the set between him and the younger twin Feliciano, who was smiling and happy on a constant basis. As a result, Lovino didn't have too many of his own friends, and most he was convinced liked his brother better than himself, making him feel worse about himself, making him colder.

Lovino was at lunch. Sitting alone at a table as per usual of the loner he is. He looked over his shoulder at the table with the members of the football team. They looked at him and were pointing and laughing. Lovino averted his eyes and glanced at the table of his friends. One of them made eye contact was waved at him. His friend Roderich was summoning him over. An exasperated sigh escaped Lovino's mouth as he stood up and strode over to their table. "Hey Lovino! We want you to meet the new kid," Feliciano said. Roderich brought Lovino over to a boy. The boy was Lovino's height, he had brown hair, golden brown eyes and his cheeks had freckles sprinkled over them, scarcely, matching his melanin filled, Sunkissed skin. "Hi! I'm Antonio. Antonio Carriedo," the new kid said, holding out his hand to Lovino. Lovino grabbed his hand, pleased at how warm it was and introduced himself, "I'm Lovino."

Antonio flashed a confident grin to Lovino and invited Lovino to sit with him at the table. Lovino engaged in light conversation with Antonio but mainly watched his brother's friend Gilbert and Francis talk with him, they had all just met but the three of them talked as if they had been friends for years. Lovino felt warm inside when Antonio's brown eyes met his own green ones. He couldn't explain it, but he felt a pull to him, like they were meant to meet. He didn't want to let this slip away. "You got a phone Antonio? " The young Italian boy asked the new Spaniard. "Yes, I do, I think everyone does these days, here, " Antonio said, grabbing Lovi's phone and entering himself as a contact. "Don't assume, you never know someone's situation," Lovino chided, taking his phone back from Antonio, "text me, whenever." He told Lovi. Lovino nodded and grabbed Antonio's schedule he was holding in his hand, quite the bold move on Lovino's part. He examined the schedule, smiling to himself, "Hey, we have the rest of the day together! Out of 7 periods we have 5 together. That's pretty neat." Lovi grinned, handing him back his schedule and grabbing his backpack before he got up and said goodbye to everyone at the table, "bye."

In the next coming years, the two of them had grown closer, and high school didn't slow down quick enough when the two of them had met each other. In fact, it seemed the opposite, the both of them had grown to be as thick as thieves and time was not on their side, separating them when they wanted nothing more than to be close to one another. 

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