I could deal with the news. I could deal with the funeral. I could deal with seeing the tombstone. Sort of. As I laid a pink flower on his grave I just couldn't handle it anymore.

"No!" I screamed the longest scream of my life.
"He can't be dead! Why would you do this!" I start incoherently screaming obsinities at the polished stone.

I look at her from my tree. She sobs for the first time since I jumped. After a moment she screams for four point six minutes. I'm pretty sure that's a record. It breaks me inside that I cant run up and hug her. I love her. She finally falls to the ground, sobbing. Until now I never really understood why people cried. But as a tear rolled down my cheek I knew. This was why.

She understand that I did this because I love her. I never thought it would cause this much pain. She was right. Sometimes you need the useless things to make up the good parts of life.

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