Whatcha Think About This?: BE HAPPEH!!

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Answers to last question: What makes a person a person?

[1] What makes a person a certain type of person is how you act while by yourself and with your friends. You could even be thought to be a certain type of person because who you're friends with. 

-USER: WhyTryWhyNot

[2] If they're being whoever they want to be. Oh, what a cliché.

 [3] You are the way you are. There's no stopping that. That's what makes a person a person. 

Okay, so those were some really good answers. Now you see why I say these are open ended questions? Cos' there's no correct answer, of course. 

And this was a kind of confusing question, wasn't it? A lot of people have different outtakes on this question, so I guess I was trying to say: Decode it the way your mind can read it. 

There. Said and done :]

MY OPINION: I'm guessing however you think of yourself and how you play it out. People are just people. We're not the same, and we're unique in that way. What makes a person a person is the way you choose to live. 

Ah, well I thought that was a great question. Very nice, very nice :D


Okay, so I only have one commenter (and I appreciate it!), so if you're reading this and you just don't comment, feel free to! Wow. Did that sound desperate? Nooo *cough cough YES*

Okay. This was a kind of short chapter, but these things are short anyway. I have some homework (ALGEBRA T.T ) to do. BLEH. 

Moving on !

So let's get straight to tha point. Yes, I added a little video to this chap:] There's little subtitles, too. It goes with the question. So here it is:

What does being happy mean?

Mmm, I could think of several answers ;D

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