episode 2

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As usual ,in their daily life they were busy in doing stuffs and not knowing those days would mean a lot to them when they grow in their life.
Then here comes Aisha laughing at them as she was intelligent enough what those best friend were doing by there actions, she was also the class president who was smart but score less in exams , as she was never interested in blindly memorizing things in textbooks and she was class president for a reason that's because she was very good at basketball and also sports ., she was the one who would do any favor to her friends and pretty good with everyone.her aim was to be a national level basketball player as she was very good at it ,most of the time she used to be in ground playing it was not just game for her , it was an emotion for her and she had only one weakness and that was her only crush Suhan who was silent and cold with a bit of shyness who would spend most of the time in library reading books (comics,novel...) He was also interested in art, he was an average student in academic but not that bad.
As he was moved to other city as their parents divorced when he was small lives with his grandparents also has a dog which is his Happy pill . As he was introvert he didn't had many friends in his class or outside but only few .
Aisha was quite shy around him (who is not with anyone) and has a soft corner only for suhan always cared for him from far she didn't had enough courage to approach so she enjoyed it from distance

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