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Once we entered, our eyes laid upon an old man, probably in his fifties or sixties sitting on his chair. "The mayor of the largest fishing town in Arees has called upon thee for assistance in this reptile dilemma. We have heard of your countless exploits over the years, and we kindly ask for your assistance. Seeing as you are here... Is the answer a quick yes or a quick no?" The mayor states rather professionally.

"Sir, I'm not sure-"

"Our answer is a quick yes. We will do everything in our power to combat this monster that is plaguing your town." I respond before Cyrus can do anything stupid.

'What? You're the stupid one'

The mayor smiles brightly at my answer and quickly sits up from his tall stool. He scrambles to the door and locks it. He turns around and goes behind his desk and reaches down, then pulls open a secret room.

"A secret room underneath the mayor's desk. Yes, it makes sense." Cyrus chuckles.

"This is my secret record room. It records all the events in this town, from all the way from FM 450 to now! I'm quite impressed by how absolutely humongous this place is. When I was first elected, I didn't know about this room until I started snooping around." The mayor chuckles.

My eyes immediately started scanning the walls which are littered by scrolls, books, and maps.

"You weren't kidding when you said this place was huge. This whole underground room is as big as the town itself!" I declare, with astonishment.

Not literally the size of town, but pretty close.

"Alright, found them. We have a few documents talking about a serpent who arose from the depths of the ocean and caused havoc upon the nearby town-this town. This one talks about a hero from the town who stood up against the great serpent, and striked it down with its own lightning, sealing it away for good. That one is probably just a kids story that originally originated from the serpent story." He sighs.

"Most if not all only talk about how terrifying the serpent was, but not how to defeat it. But this is but a minor setback to absolute victory! For we have you two by our sides. Your valor and brilliance is known throughout the lands! The town has put our utmost trust in you..."

I was left utterlessely in shock. They put so much trust into two strangers they have only heard rumours about. I don't want them to think badly of us... But isn't this a little too much? I don't want to be a coward, but the serpent in the records sounds so horrifying. We are just travelers who've gotten lucky with helping out minor cases.

Now we are two travelers with barely any experience with fighting, going up against an ancient sea serpent that can summon tsunamis and storms by its will. I mean sure, we've killed bandits and monsters throughout our adventures, but that is inevitable. Anything large-scale like a sea serpent... My confidence is nearly non-existent. But I can't tell them this...

While I was busy battling my cowardice mind, my brother spoke up, albeit a little shaky. Hmm, seems like he was also, too, in shock.

"We are not going to be the only people going up against the sea serpent, right?"

The mayor looked at him like he said something incredibly funny and replied in the best way possible in this situation... kind of. "You guys will be the leaders of our army, so you won't be battling alone. I have placed Marko Silve as the second-in-command of the army, just in case things become... Uhh, going south. But that'll never happen, since we have the legendary duo of the century!"

Ah yes, more praise. Back then I wanted it... Now... Hmm, not so much anymore.

It's getting quite chaotic.

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