chapter 13

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Chapter 13

There was no sound in the carriage. Chelsey couldn't answer. But she could hear her heart. She could feel his.

Robert lifted Chelsey from his lap and shifted her to one side. He wanted to say something but he had no idea where to start. They had stayed like that after he had filled her with his seed. Her face cradled in the curve of his neck.

It had taken a while for their breath to calm down. He  wasn't sure what to do. He knew she didn't know what to do either. He was supposed to be the mature one. He hadn't had an ounce of control. Instead of calming down his hysterical wife he had taken advantage of her.

Wife. She was his wife. He knew what to do with the ladies of the night or with high class couteseans or even his mistresses. But wifes; they were a new thing.

'So much for taking some time' Chelsey thought. ' So much time they had taken. They had taken lets think... oh they had taken two minutes.'

'What was wrong with her.' Rupert had taken her in his arms and she had gone and kissed him and seduced him too.Of course she hadn't meant to. She had been feeling vulnerable. She hadn't meant for everything that happened to happen.

Although she would have thought it would have been awkward with him; it had been anything but she didn't know what to do now. They had made plans taking time what was going to happen now.

She slowly settled her back one side of the seat. He handed her a piece of cloth. She took it without meeting his eyes.

'How long are you not going to look at him ' she thought. 'Maybe she would go blind and wouldn't have to look at him. ' but nothibgvso helpful ever happened in real life. She took the piece of cloth he was giving her.It was a lace trimmed one. ' what was Rupert doing with a lace hankerchief.

She held it up and looked closely realisation dawning on her what it was. It was half of her drawers. If she was embarrassed before she was near dead from it now.

She blushed; deeper if such a thing was even possible. She had no idea when he had done that. Why had he torn it. And why hadn't she known. She didn't want to clean herself in front of him. It seemed very prudent considering what they had done but some how she was feeling very shy.

How was she supposed to answer him. 'Was she alright' she thought. ' she was probably mad andnd that wasn't alright' but she didn't say that. He probably knew that she thought.
Robert was adjusting his pants. She turned away from him to adjust her clothes. It was easier this time.

' This time' she thought. She almost gasped. A feeling of shame came over her. She hadn't even thought about Robert. She had told Rupert she didn't want to see him ever again. And she had thought she had loved him. How can she go from one man to another like that. But she had been in love. She had fallen in love she had been so sure. But then how had she been able to do what she did with Rupert.

Maybe she was very good at seducing men. 'That must be it' she thought. She had tried previously but this time she hadn't even had to try. Maybe she was a seductress

Maybe she was what her father had called her she thought motified.

What other explanation was there. She was very sure that gently bred young ladies did not like this part of marriage. She was sure had her mother been alive would have talked to her about it. She had heard about baring the unpleasant duties just to get a heir. And that men were expected to take mistresses. After all it was the norm.

'He should apologize to Chelsey. ' Thought Robert. After all he had promised her time. But they had consummated their marriage with in the hour of getting married.

Lady Chelsey's predicament #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now