Semis POV

As I was about to go to the bathroom Ushijima and Tendou came walking down the hallway holding Shirabu like it was just another day. Shirabu seemed to be sleeping comfortably in Ushijima's arms and to be honest, I was a little jealous. Shirabu was curled up like a little kitten and his hair was a mess but he still had the ability to look beautiful. What was going on why wasn't Shirabu walking and why wasn't he sleeping in his bed, do I snore? Tendou said something about nightmares and I thought 'aww how adorable, poor baby' but I said 'dumbass why would he go to the gym then' then Ushijima told me he had a fever and I couldn't resist the urge to check. So I gently stroked his bangs away and placed my palm on his forehead. It was true he was burning up. Ushijima put him down on my bed and he immediately curled up in a ball. I said I'd watch over him so he wouldn't go wandering off again. They didn't think anything of it but I was too tired to go to practice so it was a great excuse, both to ditch practice and hang with Shirabu. Mabey sick Shirabu wasn't as salty as normal Shirabu, I know tired and stressed Shirabu is way less salty than normal Shirabu. I put my covers over him. After 5 minutes I got bored. It is Sunday so we don't have any classes, I decided to use the time to study. I had a lot of things to work on. After about an hour my brain was dying, I don't understand how Shirabu sits here for hours on end and studies. He wants to become a doctor and he says there is a lot of studying in med school. I sit and stare into the air. Then I hear Shirabu gasp and sit up. I turn to him, he looks scared for his life. Mabey he had another nightmare.

"Are you good?" I ask, not too harshly but not too softly either, as I turn to him. He looks lost, probably because he sleeps on the top bed. He looks at me like I murdered someone.

" Semi why aren't you at practice" He askes. I roll my eyes all the way back to my brain, that's what he's worried about?

"Well somebody needs to make sure you don't go and sleep in the gym again," I say and turn back to my table. He's doing something behind me but I don't know what it is, and I don't really care.

"'Kay let's go." He says and taps my shoulder." Oh, and I didn't mean to fall asleep in the gym I was just gonna get rid of some energy and then go back to sleep" I turned to face him again. He was now fully dressed for practice and on his way out the door. Where does he think he's going.

"Where do you think you're going," I asked him. Does he just think he can go out there and practice normally with a fever?

" To practice, I have to perfect my serving or we'll lose, and..." I decided to cut him off right there.

"Shirabu you have a fever and you spent half the night on the gym floor. And why do you suddenly need to work on your serves?" I was confused, serves? He was confused too. I forgot to tell him that he has a fever. He froze for a second and then put his hand on his forehead. He frowned and put his other hand on my forehead, his hands were cold as ice. I was flustered for a split second when he looked down at me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen and then he pulled his hand back and took off his shoes. He looked like he was about to cry. I felt really bad for him as he laid back down on my bed. I couldn't study anymore so I picked up my guitar and played some sad chords and let the time pass by.


A/N: tbh I don't know what to say, the chapter is up on time unlike usual. well, enjoy.

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