Birth Of The Five Kingdoms

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Many years ago, there was only one continent on earth. A continent where all trade routes, cities, palaces, and lands were one. A period of time when humanity could think as a single brain. And this one gigantic continent had a powerful king. Someone who had an unbreakable will, a passionate heart, and a brave soul. And that was "King Einar". Except for his exalted rank among people and the achievements he had made, King Einar also had a strong will, a generous personality, and a compassionate heart. He was a man who fulfilled his rule in the kingdom for a long time and had ensured that people live peacefully until the present. But just like any other leader, his time was coming to an end.

After a long reign, he understood that he could no longer rule the kingdom in any way. He was old. The likelihood of making the wrong decisions was very high. So there was only one thing he had to do. He decided to call his five sons. His own children, who were noble and proved themselves as honorary knights. He called them, to choose a new heir to his kingdom. And although he had concerns about this as a king, he was still adamant about what he would do. This kingdom needed someone, and it had to happen right now. He needed someone. Someone who could take his place to keep the people and their peace safe in place. So giving everyone different duties, he said to them one thing,

"Whoever completes his mission successfully will be the next king."

So on, after the King's words and his order, each brother accepted their duties and left the palace being determined about what they were going to do. But this determination had made them somewhat ambitious. After a while, they all began to compete with each other and perform the tasks they had only to succeed. This was no longer a matter of honor, it had turned into a competition. They were angry, ambitious, and greedy. But it took one move, just to make it all fall down.

After a short time they completed their missions, and each brother returned to the palace having completed all of their duties. When they walked in the first time, each brother was very confident in what they were doing. They all thought that they had achieved something, even how they became leaders better than others. How they achieved something bigger compared to others. It was obvious that arrogance had taken over their body and had now become tangible and visible.
However, at that very moment, the king said something. Something that will shock every brother from deep inside.

He told that every brother failed his test. Except, for the youngest brother.

This situation was a memorable moment for each of them. Because of the disappointment, confusion, and anger that each brother felt at that moment, it was all on a separate level.
But the eldest brother and the most powerful brother, "Yores" stood in front of the king and went against the situation. He was frustrated. His agony and his ideas were colliding.

So he asked why he did such a thing. Why he would do something like this
"My king! There is no meaning in the movement you are making! Please reconsider your decision, and make a decision without ignoring what we have done and what we can!"

He replied, in a calm manner,
"I did not give you your duties to show off your power. Being a king is not about only being powerful. It is about determination, being patient, and finding out what you could do to protect your people."

"You can't let your other four sons down so easily!"

Yores got out of control at that moment. His anger was drooling from his eyes and he was clenching his fists. He was both furious and terrifying.

"We have achieved outstanding success in the tasks you have given and completed. And we didn't think about going out on any orders either. So tell me, why would you do such a thing for no reason!"

King shouted back,

"I gave you the test you needed! And it was in your hands whether you could pass it! It's pathetic of you to complain about things you couldn't do as both a warrior and a knight! It is no acceptance that you can oppose a situation like this, Yores. I've made my decision now, and I don't intend to come back from it. So keep your manners calm and accomplish your duties as I say."

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