chapter 1

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Chris pov:
Beep..beep...BEEP!!! My alarm woke me up I grab my baseball bat from under my bed. I hit my alarm 3 times until it stop beeping uhhhhh will looks like i need a new alarm i'll go to the store later. I guess its time to get ready for hell i hop in the shower then brush my teeth.
I put on a White crop top bule skinny jeans and black combat boots to top it all of my black leather jacket. I skip down the stairs until I tripped on who knows what and fell on my stomach good thing no one was here to see since I live alone that would have been embarrassing but my thoughts were cut of by some one laughing at me.
It was my gay best friend Diego rolling around my floor dying of laughter. I got up i'm sikping breakfast I got my keys, helmet and backpack. I kicked Diego on my way out saying " Ha..ha are you going to keep laughing at me or am I going leave you here" I told him he responded with " you love me to much to leave me here" I raised a eyebrow and said " Whann bet your lunch" his lunch is just desserts" he said " Bet And if you Don't leave me you'll give me $30" he stuck his hand out and I shook it" Deal" I said i let go of his hand and let him get off the floor by himself so well he did that.
I walked out the front door and got on my motorcycle and started the engine i started down the drive way. With Diego yelling " YOU ASS WHOLE.... WERE MEANT TO BE FRIEN......" Didn't here the rest since I was already far away but with that I was off to school..... Wow what a way to start the day.

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