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Unable to breathe, I searched for an empty space — a wider one — as if it would fill the uneasiness in me.

I felt my chest combusting into dusts of pulverized organs, like tons of asteroids crashing into one another. My hands had become pale, as well as my face. I couldn’t heed the words that passed through my ears.

Johnny’s gone.

He’s gone, and I will never ever witness him being alive again.

If it wasn’t only because of that stupid avalanche, I could’ve spent an afternoon with him in the snow.

I could’ve had a snowball fight with him.

I could’ve witnessed him showing his coy smile to the bright sun.

I could’ve heard him chuckling under his breath.

I could’ve seen his curious look to my hair color.

I could’ve held his hand for an another round.

I could’ve hugged him so tight.

I could’ve told him I like him. So much.

And I could’ve asked him if he likes me too.

That stupid shy boy just left without uttering a single word to me that it was going to be the last time I’m seeing his face.

He just popped like a bubble. He vanished out of the blue… like a lone snowflake taken by the freezing wind into an endless pit of void.

I regretted how I acted like a fool the last time I saw him.

I regretted how I assumed I’d see him the day after that.

All of it was a lie, and I made a fool out of me.

Rough surface of the tree’s trunk on the tip of my fingers, I caressed the embarked letters and numbers on it.

12. 15. 2020

Heather spoke to me.

Warm tears streamed right down my face like raindrops falling from a windowsill.

I should’ve been nicer to him the first I met him.

I should’ve thanked him the day he gave me gloves.

I should’ve just fucking treasured him than anyone could do. Because he had always been good to me.

Who would knew someone I have met once would leave a deep scar inside me that will hunt my heart forevermore?

If I could only bring back the time where he was still there, then I would do what it takes for him to back. If our story had only been just a nightmare, then I would unmask all the possible portals to shirk from this perturbation.

This predicament will last long just like how the universe had existed in the vastness of infinite void.

Even if I'd sob for years in sorrow, time won’t stop like a frozen river.

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