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"WILBUR!", you screamed from the top of your lungs, hoping it could bring anything, but it didn't.

Your nation just got blown up. By your own lover.

Words weren't even enough to describe what went through you when your eyes flew up to the room which just got revealed before the button to the destruction of your country got pressed.

Two people were standing there. Your lover and his father.

You couldn't make out what was going on between them. The only noticeable thing was the diamond sword in Philza's hand.

How could this even happen?

You all just threw a big celebration party after getting Manberg back, no. After getting L'Manberg back. Your L'Manberg. Everyone seemed so happy, Wilbur seemed so happy.

It was like all the doubts and guilts faded from him.

He finally seemed like himself again, the one he once used to be. The one you fell in love with.

Nothing could had ever made you happier than seeing him like this. You felt like the happiest person alive when he took your hand and smiled at you, listening to Tubbo talk as L'Manberg's president.

For a moment, you thought destiny was on your side and things could turn to their good.

For a single second, it felt like it was meant to be.

Just for a second that moment seemed perfect.

Until everything went downhill more than it had ever happened.

Some strange feeling surrounded you as you were looking at the two of them. You knew that something was going to happen and that you couldn't do anything about it, but you didn't want it to happen.

Before you could even scream his name another time, a diamond sword pierced through his body while his brown eyes were directed to you.

His body didn't take long until it collapsed onto the ground with his father still holding the sword and crying his soul out.

Even with his lifeless frame on the ground, no signal of life in him left, his eyes were still looking at you. Just like he had been still there, but something was different with them.

They were absolutely empty.

What happened after then wasn't rememberable to you. The only thing you remembered was the feeling of how your heart slowly stopped beating and the sharp, monstrous pain in your chest that let hot tears stream down your cheeks before you collapsed on the ground and the darkness ascended you.

A very small, but strong sprinkle of light stabbed into the complete darkness you had fallen into. It stabbed into your eyes so hard that you slowly could feel your senses coming back, one after the other.

You felt your heart beating in your chest, your chest raising and falling every time you breathed, your ears sensing sounds, but too wired ones to understand them. And the pitch black blanket that covered your eyes finally started to fade away. The stabbing pain that got into your eyes got stronger with any second that passed and the strange noises your ear recognized got clearer.

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