A Visit To Canterlot

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Y/N: I'm sorry big mac but the princesses summon me at Canterlot, so I can't help Applejack

Big MaIntosh: It's ok Y/N safe travels

We now see Y/N entering the train before it departs to Canterlot, a day of traveling later seesaw canterlot again after so long

When the train stopped he proceeded to go to the direction of the castle so so we can meet the princesses and the queen, nothing has really changed much in Canterlot since the last time his visited it's as beautiful as hi left it
When he saw the gate in to the castle he was stopped from entering by 10 legionary mares pointing their spears and ready to fire magic at him

Legionary captain: State your business

Y/N: I was summoned by the princesses and the queen here's the le-

He was cut off by the guards shouting at him

Legionary guard 1: Then why you have two swords with you? you're an assassin aren't you!

Y/N: I'm a swords pony and if I'm an assassin i won't be certain go at the front door.

Suddenly 30 more regular guards mare showed 12 pegasus 12 earth ponies 6 unicorns and suddenly a broadcast pony (yes broadcasting ponies exist in this world a broadcast it by magic)

News pony: we see a stallion attempting to enter Canterlot Castle by force.

Y/N: What I'm here to visit the princesses and the queen confirm it to them if you want to.

Legionary guard 2: surrender and no one will be hurt!

Y/N then draws his sword this gets shocked reaction from the guards is he really going to take them all on especially 10 legionary elites

(Legionary vs Y/N ↓ instead of killing them he knock them out )

(Fight ends 2:27)

This shocked the regular guards because no one was able to take on 10 legionary at the same time and on top of that being on earth pony can do magic then the 30 guards attack them all at once

(30 guards vs Y/N ↓ )

Everyone watching was speechless alone stallion was able to do some of the castle guards finest without even a scratch then suddenly of mare appeared with purple armor

Gleaming Armor: In the name of Queen Faust surrender criminal !

And suddenly and suddenly all of the equestrian guard arrived at the scene then Gleaming Armor charge at him

Upon her armor shattered into pieces she was about to be propelled through a house but a magical cushion catch her

???: What in the name of Equestria is happening here?

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