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After everything that happened yesterday in Theatre class, I was ready to just chill out in my dorm room, but Mickey reminded me that our paper for Film Theory needed to be written by tomorrow

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After everything that happened yesterday in Theatre class, I was ready to just chill out in my dorm room, but Mickey reminded me that our paper for Film Theory needed to be written by tomorrow.

That and the sight of Willow and Tara kissing on her bed had me awkwardly scrambling to give them privacy. So embarrassing, the only time I had really seen my roommate since I arrived, and she's getting it on with her girlfriend.

Mickey had fun teasing me for a good 10 minutes when he realized why I looked so red in the face.

Considering the only person I had been with was Stu, sex wasn't something I was well versed in, and lesbian sex was something even more foreign to me.

Not that I minded she was lesbian, I'm open-minded about same-sex love and all that stuff. It was just a shock to see it in person.

"Stop laughing," I said with a slight giggle of my own as I gently pushed Mickey away from me. "How was I supposed to know they were in there doing that?".

Mickey sniggered as he threw an around my shoulders and guided me through the campus. "Well, it is your roommate and her girlfriend. Where else did you expect them to be?".

Rolling my eyes, I pinched his side. "She's my roommate who's never there" at Mickey's silent questioning look, I continued, "she practically lives in her girlfriend's dorm. It's like having a dorm room to myself".

Opening the door to the library, I hear him mutter the words 'lucky' behind me as I smile. I'll admit it is nice to have the room mostly to myself.

I worried for a while that I would hate my roommate, but considering I'm practically my own roommate, I wonder if that worry still applies.

Seeing two computers free, we quickly made our way over. Setting my back down, I notice Sidney and Hallie sitting a few tables over, working on their own computers.

Ducking behind the screen, I sighed, not wanting to be seen by Sidney right now. My usually unconfrontational sister could suddenly do a 180 and begin arguing with me in the middle of the school library.

Mickey just glances at me knowingly before turning the computer in front of me on as I watched my sister alternate between working on something and giggling with her friend.

Letting the brunet lean into me slightly while he quickly typed on the keyboard, I was suddenly struck with the smell of his cologne, and although it was different than Billy and Stu's was, it still gave me nostalgia.

"You okay?" He whispered to me, not having lent back in his chair. I felt his breath on my cheek as I nodded with a small smile. He quickly reciprocated before showing me how to use the campus computer.

We had agreed to both write our own theories on the paper's conclusion but ultimately merge our work together. We both have similar tastes and mindsets regarding horror, so we eventually realized that we had the same thoughts and findings.

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