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TW: this is a very violent one and a long one so good luck. 

Talk of : r@pe, murd3r, s3Xu@l @ssualt and more

Rebecca Marie Watts was born on the 3rd June 1998 in Bristol to Tanya Watts. Her father, Darren Galsworthy, had split from Becky's mother before she was born. He continued to live in Bristol but Becky lived separately with her mother.

In 2001, when Becky was three-years-old, the Bristol Safeguarding Children Board, decided that it would be best for Becky to be taken from her home environment with her mother and placed with her father. It was believed there was concern that Tanya was neglecting the toddler. By this point, Becky's father had settled into a comfortable relationship with his new wife Anjie and his step-son, Nathan Matthews.

Although Darren had been distant from Becky's early childhood, he was more than happy to have Becky living with him. Shortly afterwards, Becky moved in with her father, step-mother and twelve-year-old Nathan. Although there was a nine-year age gap between the children, the family later reported that Nathan was a good big brother to Becky. It was also reported the pair bonded well from a young age.

During the beginning of her education, Becky attended Summerhill Primary School. Here, her teachers described her as, "incredibly shy and quiet". However, by the time Becky began secondary school, she had come out of her shell and was starting to be comfortable around others. However, shortly into her first few months in secondary school, Becky began to withdraw due to being bullied. As a defence mechanism, Becky began suffering with anorexia – weighing just six stone at one point in her life. With this, Becky's only safe haven was her home.

However, home life was not as stable as it had once been. Anjie later reported that during these difficult times, both Nathan and Becky would fight for her attention. With this, jealously and tension began to rise. By 2011, when Becky was thirteen, Anjie decided to telephone the Children and Young People Services and begged for help with Becky.

Anjie stated that Becky was finding it difficult to go to school and was extremely anxious when leaving home. The report also stated that Becky had been described as, "controlling" and "lacking aspirations". The issues reported by Anjie were never fully investigated. The local services did discuss placing Becky on the Child in Need register, but no plans were ever formed from this.

Instead, Becky was asked to attend a casual meeting with a social worker. During this meeting, Becky explained in depth that she felt scared and alone. She also informed the social worker, that she had spent her free time reading abduction stories and watching horror films – something that had left her feeling paranoid and anxious. When briefly asked about her home life, Becky stated that Nathan was teasing her about her weight. Finally, Becky informed her social worker that a male was threatening to publish explicit photographs of her. She never identified who this male was.

Due to the fact that Becky suffered from anorexia, bouts of depression and anxiety, it was decided that Becky would leave mainstream school and instead attend a Hospital Education Service. It was here, that Becky became good friends with a young girl named Courtney Bicker. The pair would frequently listen to music and online shop together. Courtney described Becky as, "full of life... a happy person". Courtney also stated that many did not take Becky's mental health and situation seriously.

Becky continued to develop as a person through her time at the Hospital Education Service and by her sixteenth birthday, Becky was confidently going places with her friends. It was around this time, that the tension between her and Nathan began to boil.

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