Part something I lost track 😞

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I awoken to the breeze of the wind brush through my face.  "mmh.."   "Y/N?"  I rubbed my eyes to see my friend Amy. "A-Amy.., is that you..?" "Y/N! You're awake!!" I sat myself up to see the view of the cadmium green grass softly swift back and forth as the bubble gum clouds float upon us. The petals by Weeping Cherry Trees flourished the grounds, the Sun shined aerospace orange. I looked over at Amy, her mesmerizing eyes looks at mine. I felt the heartbeat of mine beat faster. My face flushed turning as red as an apple. Her amber skin perfect like a marigold in the summertime, her hair soft and puffy like the clouds in the skies, her sparkling browns eyes with a tint of rose gold makes me get lost to them. Y/N? Y/N! *pop* "Helloooo, earth to Y/N!!"

"O-oh, sorry..." "whatevs, let's go enjoy the view!" Amy waited for me to come after her. "Coming!" "Don't be so slow this time!" "I won't!!"
We laughed, played, and hid under the trees.
"Hehe, that was lots of fun" Amy exclaimed. She lied on her back watching as the clouds pass by. I lay down next to her. She turns her head to face me. I face her back. "H-hey Amy." "Yeah?" I gulped the lump in my throat. "I..wanted to ask you something" "..." "Am-y?"
"Amyy" "oh sorry! My head was in space heh" "ah, okay!" "So what is it that you wanna ask?" "W-well.." My face grew hotter, I had sweaty hands, my heart was pounding. "I...I like y-you!" Amy's eyes widen from surprise. "I know I've told you I liked Jake, but it just doesn't feel right.." Amy's face became the color of burgundy. "Look, Y/N... I-I just" Amy let out a long sigh. My blush faded away. I formed a saddened frown. "I don't know if I could handle our relationship." The clouds became gray and dull, petals of the trees wilted, rain started to pour, and lightning zapped. "I'm sorry Y/N." A tear leaked out from Amy's face. " I feel the same way, But I don't think I'm ready for this. ..." I started to tear up. My eyes become red from the salty tears. I got up to chase after her. "Amy! Don't leave me here!" I tried to run fast but I was too slow. Trying to push my self; I finally got close to her until-



*groans* "what time is it..?" 6:25AM
"Oh, nice, I still have time to get ready."
I brushed my teeth and changed into casual clothes.
In the way to school I spot Amy! "Amy!!!" "Y/N!!!!" "Amy, last night I had a weird dream with me and you." "Same" "what's the time?" I questioned. "It's... OH SHOOT!" "ARE WE LATE?!" "YES, HURRY WE HAVE TO GO!" Me and Amy ran faster than we we could, rushing just to get to our next class.
"Y/N, you're almost late!" Ms.Artrest scolded. "Sorry Miss." "It's time for you to take your books out. Y/N, go to your seat."

Haha cliffhanger for u 😼 547 words

POV: you're that one Y/N pick me (GETTING YASSIFIED)Where stories live. Discover now