Tomb Scene from "Romeo and Juliet" Watty Awards 2011

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This essay is about the final scene in "Romeo and Juliet" where Romeo has just found Juliet dead. We have been asked to write it from one of the character's point of view so here's mine! Please comment on it below as I'd like to see what a wider audience thinks rather than just my teacher.

Love you <3


The Final Scene from “Romeo and Juliet” from Romeo and Balthasar’s Points of View

I raced through the trees. The wind whistling furiously in my face as it endeavoured to overpower me. Up my noise, wafted a faint smell of the graveyard that was nearing us; to think that inside there were the souls of human beings, now left to rot away among the shadows of the under growth. The whole atmosphere of this night was as if everything revolved around me – as if God understood the agony that held me in its clutches. No happiness seemed to exist in the world anymore – at least, I wasn’t aware of any. All my mind and body were concentrating on was my love: Juliet. If what Balthasar had told me was true, this was the end of my captivating Juliet. No more would I feel the presence of her sapphire eyes held in a gaze with mine; no more would I be soothed by a sweet voice as it cut through the chill of the air and disagreement between our two families; no more would I feel the tender kiss of her lips on mine; no more would I smell the nostalgic scent of her body as we shared a romantic embrace. No more would any of that happen. No more would I be with my Juliet…

As we approached the tomb and the scene came into view, the blood began to boil up inside me. There, leaning over my love, was County Paris! That arrogant, pompous man who, just because he didn’t come from the Capulet Family, was given permission to marry Juliet! I was the one she was devoted to, and now because of this, we’re in this absolutely dreadful situation. Why did I have to kill Tybalt? When he took Mercutio, I shouldn’t have retaliated – now look where it’s got me. Maybe it’s my fault that we’re here? It’s definitely my fault – I’m to blame for everything. Absolutely everything.

I stumbled blindly off my horse; aware that every second counted; aware that every second was a second longer to be with my Juliet. Footsteps sounded clearer and clearer as we neared the entrance and Paris emerged to face us. His eyes were tear stricken from mourning but not enough to prevent him from sneering at us. No words could describe my initial reactions to this, but after a moment, my arm reached for my sword. I turned and drew – and then so did he. I didn’t care whether I killed him, the only thing that mattered was that I got to Juliet and at the moment, this disfigured creature was the only thing blocking my way. The combat began, the advantage swaying from me to him. I made that fatal swipe and it plunged into his body, immediately reacting by falling to the ground. He lay there groaning and appealing for help but I chose to ignore him.

She lay there on the coffin. Her beauty encased within a piece of material that draped effortlessly from her body. I tentatively pulled it back to reveal her silhouette and enjoy the full prize of her beauty. Her skin was peachy and glowed with her magnificent radiance; her lips were as red as a perfectly formed rose that had just bloomed. What was the point of continuing life now that she’d gone? Although the torches were dimly lit, they appeared to be feeding off something: Juliet. She seemed to be the source of light that everyone was using as their master. She was the one with the biggest supply. Oh, my dear Juliet, how can I go on life without you?


I rode as quickly as I could. Delivering the message about Juliet to Romeo was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. I understood that he adored her and that they were meant to be together, but what I didn’t know was the turmoil that it would cause. As we rode, every minute seemed to him like eternity and though I wished I could have comforted him, I was so stunned that my body seemed disconnected from my brain. Nothing that I said I needed to do in my head would coincide with my mind. My master was absolutely distraught. I knew he was deeply in love with Juliet, but when he saw her there, lying motionless, he just collapsed into disarray. Without his Juliet, it was obvious that Romeo would commit suicide.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2011 ⏰

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Tomb Scene from &quot;Romeo and Juliet&quot; Watty Awards 2011Where stories live. Discover now