trans ari falls for NM

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this was in the way beginning when I didn't have much mapped out. And had NM go talk to Ari right away. where now NM didn't say anything and there was a lot of angst cause Ari got bullied for him hacking away at his hair and looking really bad. but NM keeping his head down. then later going and helping Ari and being like, don't listen to them. You are hansom you just need little help with those scissors. 

but I wrote this but got stuck on what to happen next and totally forgot about it. 

this is like half-written in headcannon form half in actually fanfic form just so you know it switches 

Arizona realizing he was trans before he was part of the USA. He took a while trying to figure out what to do.

Then when the USA bought him, he had to fill out paperwork on it. NM was next to him also filling it out.

Arizona filled it out as male and stuff.

He put it in a bit after NM.

Then when everything was all said and done is when NM found out.

He came to Ari later that day. They had a talk. Which ended with a big hug.

NM and Ari were close before while part of Mexico. But never too close.

But them both being the newbies around the same time they become really close.

Arizona totally fell in love with NM but didn't say anything.

At first, NM and Ari didn't cuddle or anything like that. But one day in the middle of winter. Arizona was called to a meeting. NM was already there. Arizona came up with a lot of jackets and a big heating blanket.

He was like were an outlet, you unplugged my heating blanket.

After getting his blanket plugin. He turned to them.

Gov started talking but NM stopped him.

Turning to Ari.

"Is that my jacket? Did you take it?"

Arizona covered himself more with the blanket.

"NO Idk what you're talking about"

Florida of course is like oOoOO I ship it.

Gov is just confused.

Arizona is just like. It's snowing in Flagstaff!! Am fucking cold leave me alone.

NM is just like dude I would let you ask me if you asked.

Florida probably is like couples sharing jackets are so cute.

Loui probably pops up and is like next time we go on a trip we need to get them only one bed.

Florida just like yes!!!

Gov is like, okay! Back to what I was talking about.

Arizona is a bit moody during the rest of the meeting. snaping at the others 

NM is worried Ari didn't sound like himself. NM went to Ari's room when it was over.

He knocked on the door. Arizona let him in. The whole room was very cold. Like way colder than it should be.

NM was very confused, asking Ari why it was so cold. Arizona was like idk but I hate it. After some time he found out all the vents were closed. And turned it back on. Arizona sat down right on the floor vent. With his blanket.

"Awwww. This is amazing. I love you" Arizona said then a few seconds later froze up realizing what he said. "ummm sorry I d-"

"Ari, it's okay. I love you too. You are my best friend" NM saw the disappointment flash over Arizona's face then replaced with a smile. "You are amazing, come join me, you should have some warmth as well" Ari scooted over, NM sat down and Arizona opened up the blanket and essentially gobbled NM up. Wrapping them both in it. NM popped his head out after some struggle.

"Ari, I need to be able to breathe!" Arizona just giggled. NM smiled.

Arizona yawned, and rested his head on NM "you're warm"

NM put his arm around Ari.

"did you not sleep well or?"

"no I couldn't get warm it was worst last night. I didn't get any sleep cause of it"

NM frowned picturing Ari in his bed under as many blankets as he could find probably shaking trying to get warm. he wished Ari had come to him or something even just asking for another blanket. Soon he heard Ari start to snore. it didn't matter too much now Ari was warm and sleeping. He smiled, it took some work but he picked up Arizona.

Arizona clanged on to him. When trying to put him down. Ari would not let go. After so much fighting and whining from a mostly asleep Arizona. New Mexico just crawled in with Ari putting the blanket around both of them and fell asleep.

Arizona slowly woke up, he was nice and warm. He pulled the warmth thing close to him. Something warped an arm around him. Took him a minute to be like wait? What is this warm thing??

He opened his eyes seeing new Mexico asleep next to him.

Beautiful was all Arizona would think. New Mexico looked so peaceful. No scole on his face, no weight of the world on his shoulders. He looked amazing. Ari wished he could kiss him. NM started to wake up.

Arizona heart speed up. As NM eyes opened after blicking a few times he smiled at Ari, Arizona smiled back.

"Good morning"

"Morning, how did you sleep? Mr cuddle bug" new Mexico asked. Arizona blush "you refused to let go of me"

"Sorry" new Mexico only hummed. "thanks for getting my heater to work"

"Yeah no problem. You weren't yourself. Am the grumpy one here. Not you"

Arizona was about to say something but NM phone went off. New Mexico grumbler about not being awake enough. letting go of Arizona he turned around and grabbed his phone.

"What? Hold on he said what?? Okay I'll be there soon. Give me a minute. Keep him from doing any more till I get there" new Mexico hang up. Frowning, "I got to go deal with stupid people"

"Good luck NM call me if you need me, I'll bring my bat" new Mexico laugh

"I'll be fine" with that NM left to go deal with whatever he needed to, leaving Ari longing for NM to be there in his arms again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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