Chapter Five

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Lunablue ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"I love you"

I blink.  Did he just say what I think he just said?!

"Wait... What?!" I sit up abrupt.

"Nothing. It was dumb anyways I-" He starts.

"I love you too!!" I interrupt him, grinning ear to ear.

"Really?" He smiles back.

I press my lips against his. This kiss. The first kiss after proclaiming our love. I pour every feeling I've ever felt for him into it. The crush, the drunk love, the anger, the hatred, the pain, the sorrow, the glee, the sober love, and now the pure love. I kiss him like my life depended on it. Or like he could somehow feel how I felt, just from that kiss. I attempt to pull back, but he slides his hand into the hair on the back of my head and holds me there. His hand rests on my waist. What's that saying? Uh. Thirty minutes of Heaven? Cause that's exactly what is was!

The next morning, I crawled out of bed and walked over to my door. I could really go for some of my nanny's coffee. She makes the best. Maybe I should actually learn her name... I go and shake Arsen gently.

"Hey.. What's my nanny's name?" I whisper.

"Angela" He mumbles, before falling back asleep.

I walk back over to the door. Opening it gently I call for her. A few minutes she is at my door, and I ask her for two cups of coffee.

"Why two? If I may know..."

"It's for Arsen and I" I blush slightly. Please don't get on to me for having a boy over. Pleasepleasepleaseplease.

She grins. "Finally." She mumbles as she walks away to get the coffee. I walk back in my room and sit on my couch. A few minutes later she knocks gently on my door, before walking in and handing my the try of coffee.

"Thanks" I whisper as she makes her leave.

Arsen shifts in bed. I grin as he rockets out of bed.

"Do I smell coffee?!"

"Yes, you do" I laugh and hand him his cup. "Angela made it."

He hums as he takes the cup and sips it. We fall into a comfortable silence. Moments into this blissful time, the door flies open.

"EMILY!" I flinch.

"Oh, Arsen is here too. Good we were looking for you." Ailee smiles. She knows what's up. Ailee holds the door open and Quinlan, Elene, Decesare, Devinne, and Katkinka walk in.

"Hey guys" I smile. Wow. I'm glad we decided to get dressed before coffee. I blush at that thought.

"We need to talk more about that escape." Quinlan sits on my couch and puts his feet on my coffee table. I glare and he quickly drops them back to the floor.

"Wait. I thought that was a joke?!" Arsen sits up abruptly. Apparently not, Ar.

"We have to do it on the 21st" Decesare demands, pulling out her planner. Why the hell?

"The ceremony to decide our jobs and spouses is on the 23rd." Decesare continues, "That gives a day extra just in case we fail the first time." SPOUSES?! Since when is the spouses decided too?!

Arsen voices my exact thoughts. "Since last night" Devinne replies.

"What the hell were you two up to that you missed it?" I blush at Kat's question. Just then Nicholai and Haruka walk in.

"Yo yo my peeps!" That is so 21st century Nick.

"What did we miss?" Haru sits down in the floor and crosses his legs.

"ARSEN AND EMILY HOOKED UP. THEY ARE FINALLY A THING!" Ailee jumps in my lap and hugs me.

"Not a thing, yet. Jesus Ailee." I mumble.

Whatever! We finally got a date too!"

We fully discuss the plan in detail.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~**~*~*~ I AM SO SORRY IT IS LATE!!! I had a lot to do with Prom and homework, and I had a really bad week.. I just could write when I had time, which wasn't very often. AGAIN SO SORRY OMG I FEEL TERRIBLE!!!


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