The other side of the island(part 1)

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o-other people?!

Mishi had been fouriging when he heard a voice shouting quietly “d-damit.. Stupid cat…!” he rushed over seeing a short girl with pink hair she looked tired and seemingly kanna's age. mishima went over to see “are you alright?” the girl quickly turned to the voice, “hey stay back!” she yelled at him. “i-I am not here to hurt you” he spoke quickly, “yeah thats the first thing the milly girl said… and midori!” she retorted “how about i tell you, i am in a similar situation miss milly told us we were stuck here and must survive here. Although i don’t know an midori person…” she mumbled almost under her breath “and i pray you never do… guys creepy as hell”. After a bit more of convincing he gained enough trust to let him fallow her

They walked to the complete to the other side of the island where he was met with a group of people, two highschool students, a baker looking lady, a buff guy, and a guy like him with glasses and a suit, and a girl who had a maple pancake estetice. “Did you find anything hin- … who is that” the high school boy asked and pulled the middle schooler away, “an ally… he is in the same situation as us and apparently theres is more of us on the other side of the island i think he said 11 or 12 people” she said. “Wait! So the information midori told us was true!” the other high schooler said “i guess so, but i heard they find a lot more money and have a better base” the girl said the buff guy then spoke up “whats your name dude?” he asked, mishima told them the truth “my name is kizumi mishima, i was a teacher at a highschool” the others nodded and were whispering to each other “uhg… so cautious… I am Hinako Mushuku, if you ever want to come back, you’ll need their trust. Their all probably a lot more competent then the people on your side“  mishima frowned

Hinako giggled at his expressions and looked down at the ground. “Well more cautious, we all come from the rich and elite. Either born into a rich family or born into a place where school is advanced. So it’s not easy to gain trust, i wish you luck…” + 13 trust she said before walking to the base “i’m injured i’m going to rest… and pray midori dosen’t show up whilst i sleep” 

From here you can look between your stats on your side of the island and the other side of the island.

Your side of the island
Base: 1203
Material: 14
Food: 24
Money: 80100

Other side of island
Base: 950
Material: 249
Food: 68
Money: 1065
Trust: 13%

You must gain at lest 42% trust before leaving. if you leave before that they will not trust you to come back to their side of the island. But if you did gain some trust the people you gained the trust of will come out to the forest and talk to you when they forage, and offer to take you to the other side of the island. Once you get 100% trust you can go to and from the sides of the island when ever.

Mishima looked around and who might trust him who could help gain trust quick, and spotted the maple pancake estetice girl looking at you “ah miss did you want to talk?” he asked, she smiled brightly “yes actually! I want to introduce myself! I am maple! my last name is not important” +1 trust she said happily and patted the log next to her “so mister mishima, what is it like in your side of this island?” she asked “well it is ok, but we get hurt often these creatures would attack our base so we have built it up so it would be ok. And the others are all good at what they were doing!” she smiled with happiness “maybe that's why hinako says your base is better we don’t get many attacks on this side… you look hungry, please accept this fruit tea i made, it will help your hunger” mishima accepted the tea -1 food(other side) +1 trust  “thank you miss maple, you are so kind and trust easily aren't you afraid i’m a bad person?” she shook her no, “the others are just very wary of others. It took about 8 days for them to trust each other. Here i’ll help you get some more people's trust!” +12% trust

Maple walked over to the two high schoolers, pulling mishima with her. “Hello you two! Good day! I wanted you help mister mishima make friends on this side of the island” the boy seemed off set but the girl smile happily “hey there mishima!  I’m anzu kianshi, nice to meet you. Should I call you professor since your a teacher?” she asked. Mishima smiled back and said “you may it is up to you on how to refer to me” +2 trust “anzu?! Your just going to give this strange man you name?!” mishima sweat dropped at the boys words, and anzu scolded the boy “you just hurt his feelings! Say sorry!” the boy just refused “no, i don’t even know him. Plus, how do you know what he said is true…” anzu rolled her eyes and went back to talking to mishima, “i’m sorry about him, he’s probably the most cautious of us all” she laughed and the boy blushed and looked away. 

“Any way what are the people over on your side like?” anzu asked with a smile. “Well some are a bit cautious but we all trust each other. we all are working together to leave this island, and now that I know if you all when we find away I will be glad to come back for you all” mishima said, the boy look Intrigued but said nothing. Maple giggled a bit "really?! Well im willing to help you all!"  Anzu nodded +12 trust and looked at the boy, "... fine but you'll need everyone trust" he said before anzu and maple decided to go Crafting,

Leaving the two male there in silence before the boy spoke "*sigh* look we got off on the wrong foot, im just suspicious cause you randomly appeared after midori told us others were on this island. Felt like a trap… I still don't trust you but I'll say this i am Ranmaru Kaygeaya, me and anzu are best friends on this island so if she trusts you I can try to trust you as well" +2 trust

Mishima noded "thank You for giving me a chance, if you'd like you all are welcome to come over to my side of the island" the boy laughed a bit, "nah, ill stay here but if I see you in the forest then I'll say hi" mishima was about to say something else when a green haird guy walked up to them "ah! Kizumi mishima! I wonder if anyone would find this side! Well just as a cation the other may be wored about you" both males jumped at the suden appearance. "Ga! Midori you creep don't sneak up on people!" Ranmaru shouted at the green haired guy "ah ha sorry, but the others will worry mishima. Safaline was worried when she didn't see you there, her shop was lonely…" mishima was about to ask him something when a large mutant bird burst into the clearing, "ah! Guys come help!" Ranmaru yelled and everyone ran over to the bird mishima following Ranmaru. The buff guy went after the bird saying "you damned creatures should die" he said as he attacked the creature and it attacked back but only broke the armor he was wearing, "die you beast" hinko said and attacked the bird it was about to attack but the buff guy ran in front of hinako and absorbed the hit. Ranmaru then attacked "back off! Stay back!" He said as he delivered the final blow. 

After everyone had calmed down anzu and maple had said bye to mishima but ranmaru stopped him before he left "hey keep our side hidden for now k? At least till we all trust". When mishima got back he got a lot of questions about his absence but he told them he was ok and he was searching the other bits of the island no one may have look, but lied saying he didn't find anything 

Individual trust meter
[middle schooler girl] hinako: 100%
[highschool boy] ranmaru: 20%
[Highschool girl] anzu: 100%
[baker looking lady]:0%
[buff guy]:0%
[guy like him with glasses and a suit]:0%
[A girl who had a maple pancake estetice.] Maple: 100%

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