Chapter 5 The Flowering Garden

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It was nearly dawn and all was quiet. Ki sat under the oak tree breathing in the cool pre-dawn air. Ki took a sip of his tea before looking up at the dwindling stars. "Your children have grown so much since you last saw them my daughter." Ki murmured "Hunter is becoming more like you every day and Fidget is just like his father. Fidget and Hunter have found my old map and soon they will face their destiny. I only hope that I have trained them well enough to handle what lies ahead." As the sun started to rise Ki stood up and said "It is time. Good luck Hunter and Fidget you'll need it."

Hunter sat up and stretched. It was a beautiful day there wasn't a cloud in the sky and birds chirped happily. Hunter jumped out of bed and sneaked over to Fidget's room. Hunter stopped at the door and listened closely, soft snores drifted from Fidget's room. "I'll let him sleep a little longer." Hunter thought as she rushed to the kitchen. After gathering a few ingredients Hunter started making strawberry pancakes. Soon the smell of pancakes was wafting through the air. Just as Hunter finished making three platefuls of pancakes Fidget sleepily trudged in the kitchen. "Good morning sleepy head!" Hunter called cheerfully "Mmm pancakes...." Was Fidget's only reply as he scarfed down the warm fruity pancakes. Hunter smiled and ruffled Fidgets fur affectionately before heading to Ki's bedroom. "Gramps!" Hunter called when she got to Ki's room "Breakfast is ready!" When Ki don't answer Hunter gently opened the door "Helloooo?" Hunter said as she peeked in the room. But Ki's room was empty "Strange." Hunter thought "Maybe he's in the garden." Hunter turned around and returned to the kitchen then walked out the back door that lead into the garden. When Hunter didn't find Ki in the garden she went to the training ground. "Gramps! How long have you been out here?" Hunter said when she saw Ki standing under the oak tree "Oh, not too long. Did you make breakfast?" Ki replied sleepily. "Yes I made your favorite. Come on let's go inside." Hunter said as she gently guided Ki into the living room. "I'll get your breakfast." Hunter said as Ki flopped down on his cushy armchair. When Hunter came back Ki was fast asleep. Hunter put down the pancakes and grabbed a blanket and placed it over Ki. "Sleep well gramps. I'll see you later." Hunter whispered before going over to where Fidget sat. "Are you ready to go?" Asked Fidget Hunter nodded "Then grab your backpack and let's go." Hunter nodded before retrieving her backpack from her room "Ok." Hunter said when she returned "let's go." After they were a safe distance from the house Fidget took the map out of his backpack and spread it out on a nearby tree stump. "Ok" Fidget said as he studied the map "It looks like the quickest way to get to the village is to go through this boggy area here." Fidget traced out a path through the bog with his finger "If we travel along this path we should be safe from the sink holes." Fidget said confidently before facing Hunter. Hunter shook her head "I don't think that's a good idea. Bogs can be unpredictable, there has to be a safer way." Hunter looked at the map closely before pointing to a field on the map "Look, this field leads directly to the village and it's near the waterfall we were at the other day. We'll have no problem finding the village if we follow this route." Hunter explained excitedly Fidget nodded thoughtfully before putting away the map again. "Ok wise one" Fidget teased "Lead on." Hunter and Fidget traveled through the forest at a quick but relaxed pace and before long they were at the waterfall. "Ok let's take a short break." Hunter said Fidget instantly flopped down dramatically on the cool grass. "It's about time" Fidget said in faux anger "I thought my stomach was going to eat itself!" Hunter chuckled as she took a sandwich from her backpack and tossed it to Fidget "Well let's eat." Hunter said as she took out a sandwich for herself. The two siblings sat down and quickly ate their sandwiches in a few hungry chomps. When they were finished they cleaned themselves up in the lake. Hunter looked at the map before she and Fidget got going again. "We should be there soon." Hunter announced after she and Fidget had traveled awhile. "This is so exciting!" Fidget exclaimed excitedly as Hunter put away the map. "It sure is!" Hunter replied cheerily "I wonder-" Hunter stopped mid-sentence when she saw a huge archway made of roses and violets. A sign hung from the archway that said: Welcome to the Flowering Garden. "We're here!" Hunter said happily "Come on Fidget, let's go!" Hunter ran up to the archway with Fidget close behind "This is it!" Hunter thought excitedly "Now I just need to find out why I was sent here and today will be perfect!"

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