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i do not like posting a/n to my stories,, but it's been a while and i wanted to let you guys know what was up!

i have like, really annoying mental health that makes me sleep 24/7, if i'm lucky it's not 25/8 - yknow? i know this is a shitty excuse, the sleeping all day thing, but i just wanted to let you guys know what was happening. school has been rough, as well as family and friend drama, and i haven't found time or motivation to work on this story. i don't want it to be a really shitty story, i want to actually finish it as well, and it's extremely hard for me to find motivation to do that with so much going on and feeling the need to pump out chapters left and right.

i have seen a lot of good stories - scream fan fic wise -, but there's no newer ones. i wanted to make something new and continuously being worked on for others because i know sometimes it can be a turn off, but i also know that never posting is a turn off and i apologize for that. i am not the best with remaining consistent and i should have remembered i'm like that, i knew i wouldn't be posting like i should. silly mistake — a very dumb one

time for the good news, though!! i have a week off from school, i don't have any work to do, and my family will be away and so will my friends — boom, what does that mean? free. time. i can finally write. so once i get home, i will work on the chapters i have already started — i have two half way written bc i felt like writing a chapter that wasn't even supposed to come out after the recent one, weird enough. i got inspo to add my man randy to the story, like more of a connection and bonding moment with him, and i ran with it.

to sum this all up, i have free time for the first time and i wont be sleeping all day again — if i do, at least i'll post at night. i do want to say thank you to those who have read the story, added it to their library thingys, and interacted. it's corny, yes, but i highly appreciate it and it means a lot. support gives me motivation and i don't want to dip on you guys. have a good day or night, i'll see you on the next chapter!

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